I'm a motherfucking badass.

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(Crista's POV)

'Hey folks, out there, it's your favorite here today, Crista!' I spoke through the mic, hoping people were actually listening. 'Time to play some of your old favorite 80's music, here's Poison with "Talk Dirty To Me".

I enjoyed working as a radio host, playing music, getting phonecalls, talking, laughing, honestly, it was a lot of fun than your average job.

You must be wondering about that fella I met today, Felix. Where do I start, he was a complete sweetheart. The way he held the door open for me, walking me to the coffee shop, walking me home (nothing like that) but it was just so like in the movies. His smile, his beautiful blue eyes, the way he pushed his hair back, everything. Would it be wrong to say I'm falling in love with him? (I mean come on, who wouldn't?)

The music ended just in time for me to flip the mic back on. 'How's everyone's day going? Mine is going pretty great considering I met the sweetest guy, I'm sure everyone would know him as Pewdiepie? Sadly working at the radio station has fried my brain so much I don't even know who he is!- wow, would you look at all the calls I'm getting.' I smiled and my intern set me a caller. 'Hey, how's it going?'

A girl's voice screamed into the mic. 'I love Pewdiepie! He's the greatest person in the world. You totally have to look up his videos on YouTube.'

'I'll most likely do that.' I chuckled. 'And what would your name be?'

'Jessica. I can't believe this is happening, my favorite radio station's radio host met the Pewdiepie! I ship it, I ship it, I ship it so hard!'

'Aw thank you.' I laughed awkwardly, maybe I ship it too.. 'And what song would Jessica like us to play?'

'Don't Stop Believin' by Journey!' Jessica squealed.

'Thank you for calling, Jessica, and now, Don't Stop Believin' by Journey shall play next, stay tuned.' I leaned back as the music started playing.

'Who's the new guy?' My intern winked as she walked past me to her office.

'Somebody.' I smiled.

'Ain't somebody if you talk about them on the show.' Her name was Maria, my silly intern, sometimes we'd go out to bars or go shopping. 'Good luck.' She half-smiled before shutting the door.

My phone vibrated with a message from.. Felix.


(Pewdiepie POV)

Another lonely evening putting together another Amneisa video for the bro's.

I couldn't stop thinking about today, with Crista. Everything about her was.. fuck, I can't describe it but I know it has to be perfect. Those hazel eyes, that wavy brown hair with.. streaks of blonde, her smile.. her laugh. Am I falling in lo- Felix? Felix in love? Could this be?

I laid back on my bed with my arm supporting my head. Edgar was running around the house, being annoying like usual.

My computer was uploading the video so slowly, I really didn't plan on doing anything other than that tonight. I was too busy thinking in order to play the new games I bought today.

I checked the clock then lifted up my phone. Twitter was trending something.. #PewdsHasAGirlfriend

I sat upright and clicked the hashtag. People were re-tweeting this picture, their say in the picture- what the fuck? I clicked on the link and a picture shown up from Instagram from someone named "TishaBea26" the picture had me linking arms with.. Crista, outside of GameStop? The account's profile picture was of me and one of the bro's.

I decided to tweet to settle their little minds: I don't have a girlfriend.. my left hand does just as well. #PewdsDoesntHaveAGirlfriend

A shit ton of people re-tweeted it and I hoped THIS would trend than the other one.. I wasn't dating Crista.. not ye- what the fuck Pewds! You don't have any chance with her.. well might as well try, motherfucker!

I went to my contacts and typed in the name "Crista" which literally popped up instantly. Once I clicked the contact, her picture on my phone was her drinking coffee (which I took while she wasn't paying attention) the "Send Message" button was so tempting.. click it Pewds, just fucking do it.. I clicked it and the messaging screen popped open.

Think Pewds.. what do you send to a girl you like.. something cool.. not creepy, defiantly not creepy! How about.. no, no, bad idea from the start. Come on Pewds..

I pushed my hair back and sighed. This was so difficult! Wait, alright I got it:

"Hey wanna go watch a movie sometime soon?"

No, too stupid.

"You're hot."

What the fuck Pewds..

"You have nice boobs."

Okay, okay, bad, bad, bad.

"Hey. You. Me. Movie. :)"


I sent the message and tossed the phone to the side. My palms were sweating while in the pit of my stomach.. I felt butterflies? Fuck, why do they call it that. My heart was beating rapidly, waiting for her text.

You know she could be busy, something could have gone wrong, she probably doesn't want to reply back to you, she thinks your ugl- I had to laugh a little there, I mean come, who could resist this charm? Felix is a sexy man.

My phone vibrated on the side. My whole insides felt frozen while my heart was pounding so hard like it was having sex inside of me.. oh god. I picked up the the phone and laughed akwardly, it's not her, it's probably not her, the screen read "Crista." Maybe I could have another contact named Crista? No, click it Pewds.


I laughed an evil laugh. Told you it would work! Feeling confident, I typed:

"Pick you up at *time* and we'll go catch a flick. :)"

Pewds does everything!

A/N tell me you read that in his voice^^ or heard him say it because I know I did xD anyways, whacha think?

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