Hi. Hamilton is ruining my life. I am listening to the track while writing this. And I'm so into the theory that Hamilton was gay for John and I was like yes fam. #LoveWins.
Also, everything was good but I almost got shot last weekend😂😂 yes you read that right. If I had been outside, I would have been shot. But it's all good. I was in the parking lot. Idk why people use guns in the first place. Banning things doesn't work because people will always find things. Only army people should have guns and never be able to take them home. No one should have a gun. Ugh.
Anyways, Hamilton gets so sad because Lauren died for Hamilton and I almost cried but I'm all cool. I literally knew nothing about him until this musical and now I'm totally gonna pass the next history test.
Also, Lin Manuel Miranda needs to release this video of Hamilton. The tickets are $700-1000 dollars. I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT. Sorry song came on and I started writing the lyrics😂😂😂
anyways, yea I'm fine now I guess (lol no). I lowkey need help fam but I'm Gucci I guess. Certain people left my school that I did not like so school will be more enjoyable for me.
I feel bad for my friend because she dated this guy and everyone calls her a lesbian and I'm like guys let her be happy but she's at an away camp until August and I was like I feel so bad because in the first day of school, she's gonna get roasted so bad and I'm gonna feel so bad. I didn't do anything or tell anyone but I just feel bad for her because she's really cool but no one in my school likes her and I feel really bad. Oh well.
Life goes on. Sometimes you gotta pick yourself up and keep going.
And last and final rant, my sister is going to college so I'm going to have to deal with my parents who just ignore me and always roast me about everything and say I can't take care of my self and that I'm a disappointment blah blah blah. Idec about them anyways. I want to leave this house so badly bruh bruh. I wanna live somewhere else. Anyways, I'm Gucci overall😂😂 no drama over here but there's a party over there AYEEEEEE. WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOU'RE RUNNIN OUT OF TIME! Ok I gotta stop that. Anyways bye for now.
-CarrieYo someone buy me tickets for Hamilton