Story Moving WAY Too Fast

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I have seen this in a lot of books and to tell you the truth, it is making no sense. I read this Harry book and Harry was a gynecologist right? So then he was working and he's like what, THIRTY FIVE! Anywho, he was working on a 17 year old girl and then he started to... move his fingers in her situation. Look, I hate smut so I mean I read a lot of books but I skip over like all of it. Anyway, then like 3 chapters later, they have already done it 4 times and they are already in a commited relationship and about now, I am just like -_-. DETAILS MAN! THEY ARE IMPORTANT. That's like first chapter they just met at like Starbucks or something and then next chapter, they are married and have 26 children. COME ON MAN! COME ONNNNNN! At least put some good stuff on there like details. That's why I like stories that are like 100-200 chapters or stories that drag out long enough until BAM! it happens and your just like, OH MA GURD! THAT WAS SO WORTH IT!

(Btw, no offense to the story I mentioned there. It's actually pretty good and she explained why she sped it up so no hate but I was using it as an example)

Ok well I'm gonna go watch Netflix and chill... With a bowl of ice cream... by myself. Adios!

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