Gosh it's weird to be starting over again. Anyways welcome to the first ever contest of this new book! So partially as a tribute to my old book's first contest and because I'm to lazy to come up with an actual prompt, this contest will be freestyle.
Title: (You Choose)
Genre: (You choose)
Subtitle: (You Choose)
•Must have a subtitle
•Must have my username on it
•Must have your username on itDeadline: July 3rd
1st Place:
•2 books added to my reading list
•Ad Message2nd Place:
• ad message
•1 book added to my reading list3rd Place:
•1 book added to my reading list
•DedicationHonorable Mention[3]:
•1 book added to my reading listGOOD LUCK AND TRY AND TAG PEOPLE:)
Queen V Cover Contests
RandomHello people welcome to my cover contests!!! If your a cover maker than this is the place for you.