So most of you might remember this contest from my last book, and to be honest it was my favorite. So since I love it so much I've decided to host it again:)
Title: Fugly
Subtitle: (Something Random)
Make the Ugliest cover possible. If you entered it last time you are allowed to enter again, BUT you can not use the same cover or quote that you used last time. As said before the cover has to be as ugly as you can make it pixelated, blurry, or just nasty looking.Requirements:
•My Username
•You're Username
•Correct Cover SizeDeadline:July 26
Ugliness Supreme:
• 2 books added to my reading list
•Ad Page
•A nice message on your board telling all your followers you made the ugliest cover in my competition😉Not as Ugly as Ugliness Supreme:
• Dedication
•2 books added to my reading listUglier than the others:
•1 book added to my reading listMost meaningless quote:
•Ad Message
Queen V Cover Contests
RandomHello people welcome to my cover contests!!! If your a cover maker than this is the place for you.