Title: (you choose)Subtitle:(you choose)
Description: When you comment something along the lines of 'Im in' then I will assign you one if the images below. Using either the background or the png provided you will create a cover. Make it as different from the original image as possible. YOU MUST COMMENT TO RECEIVE AN ASSIGNED IMAGE.
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
Requirements:•Must comment for an assigned image
•must use the image you were assigned
•must have you're username and mine
•No just adding text and calling it good
•must have correct cover size
Deadline: August 7th
Image #1 Winner:
•Opportunity to create next contest
•iconImage #2 Winner:
•Opportunity to create next contest
•iconImage #3 Winner:
•Opportunity to create next contest
•iconHonorable Mentions(3):
•1 book added to my reading list
Queen V Cover Contests
RandomHello people welcome to my cover contests!!! If your a cover maker than this is the place for you.