1- Oh Brownies

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I danced around the kitchen, singing loudly into the batter covered spoon.
I was attempting to make brownies for probably the fifth time, and I was convinced this was the successful one.
My mom was working a night shift and my dad was a cop so he usually didn't come home until pretty late. Since no one would be home for ages, I was just wearing a giant t-shirt with "Rolling With My Homies" written across it, from one of my all time favorite movies.
Halsey was playing, of course, and so far the brownies were going perfectly.
"He says oh baby girl you know we're gonna be legends"
"I'm the king and you're the queen and we will stumble through heaven"
An unknown voice sang.
"If there's a light at the end it's just the sun in- HOLY SHITBALLS WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!"
I screamed and blindly chucked the chocolatey spoon in the general direction of the voice.
Which was probably not the best idea I've had but it's not like I had time to plan.
"OW. That was my eyeball bitch."
I grabbed the nearest kitchen knife and slowly turned around to see the victim.
Who might I mention was hot as hell.
He had a dark brown mess of hair on top of his perfectly sculpted head, and his cheekbones and jawline were sharp enough to grate cheese on.
He was tall, but not scrawny or lanky. Pretty well built, with defined biceps and heavy set shoulders.
But that wasn't what caught my attention.
His eyes. They were so blue that they became grey, with milky white flecks around the pupil. They looked like the moon reflecting onto a sparkling lake.
They were gorgeous, captivatingly so.
I further observed him. He had on black jeans and a black hoodie, with black converse.
I couldn't tell if he was emo or just badass.
Then I noticed he was sporting two shiny bracelets.
I screeched and grabbed the phone, about to dial 911, when it rang. My dad was calling.
"Don't panic Cora. Liam was someone I was bringing into the station, but your mom called. She's going into labour and there's no need to worry about Liam, he's only in trouble for vandalism. We'll be home soon honey, just keep watch on him."
"But dad I-"
"Love you sweetheart."
"Drop the knife princess."
"So umm hi. Liam."
"Like... Hey."
"You have nice eyes."
"Well that's new. Thanks gorgeous."
He winked and smiled at me.
I blushed.
Then, I proceeded to haul my ass back to the kitchen, where I freaked out for about twenty minutes.
I got the brownies, which seemed to have actually gone well for once, out of the oven.
Maybe it's just good luck.
As I carried them to the other counter, the hot pan brushed against my thigh and I gasped out in pain.
I forgot to put on fucking pants.
Damnit Cora.
"Woah cutie you okay?"
Liam had run in at the sound of my pain.
"Yup. Fine. Totally fine."
I hissed out, tears threatening to fall as I clutched my thigh in pain.
He sat down on the counter and began trying to help.
Well as much as someone in handcuffs could.
"Put ice in a little baggy and wrap a paper towel around it, the ice by itself would be too cold."
I did as he said, and the cold immediately relieved some of the pain.
I smiled at him.
"No problem."
He gave me a nod and patted my good thigh, causing me to jump about ten feet in the air.
"Better get some pants on or your parents will be thinking some bad things when they get back."
I turned tomato red and ran to my room to change.
After putting on some black leggings, I returned to the kitchen, where I found him with his face buried in my phone.
I cleared my throat and he jumped a bit but continued with whatever he was doing.
"Whatcha doing there?"
"Turning on music."
"With your face?"
He silently lifted his hands, that were a still handcuffed behind his back.
I payed close attention to his actions and realized that he was scrolling through my phone with his tongue.
"That's disgusting."
He shrugged and continued.
Suddenly Emperors New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco was blasting through the speakers.
"By the way you have a really great taste in music."
I nodded, grabbing a knife to cut the brownies that, besides my burn, had gone really surprisingly well.
I began to cut it into perfectly even squares before I got bored and just left huge squares because it wasn't like anyone else would be eating them besides us.
"So. You vandalize buildings often?"
I smoothly asked, before cramming a brownie into my mouth.
"Oh, sweet little cora, I'm not your type."
I squint my eyes into a glare and place my hands on my hips sassily. The song had ended
"Oh really? You dont know the first thing about me. What makes you think you know my 'type'"
He chuckles a bit before replying.
"So naiive. I know your dads a cop, your name is Cora, you have a great taste in music, you like the movie Clueless, and you blush way too easily. I know based on the various pictures and awards on the walls that you're smart, but haven't been athletic for a while. I know your gonna be a big sister soon, congrats by the way, and from your actions I'd say you're boring. Not to offend you or anything sweet heart, but that's the full truth. You pity your parents for their sad, settled-down boring lifestyle and promise yourself that you'll never be that way, living in a boring little white two story house in a boring neighbourhood filled with other boring people. But don't even try, Cor, because in the end you'll end up in a boring place with boring people and a child or a few promising themselves they'll never be like you. You're gonna go to college, get a good job, meet a nice, smart, good guy who is just like you. And you two will live your boring life. So no I'm not your type, because years from now I might be settled for a boring life with boring people, but at least I won't have always been that way. At least I will have had good memories and FUN. Heard about that? So maybe I'll get arrested a couple times along the way, but that's ok. Because I won't have always been the boring teenager who tried to be rebellious but is actually just as boring as every other boring teenager."
And with that, he brought his face down to his brownie and ate it.
"You.. You you BASTARD! You don't have a right to assume ANYTHING about me. Maybe I WILL be boring, hell maybe I AM but I will have lived a happy life. A FUN life. So you're wrong." I hissed out at him, angry beyond words.
"Fun. Sure. Cora, you've got a stick shoved so far up your ass I'm shocked you aren't choking on it."
With those words having been spoken by this devastatingly handsome man, I smacked him.
"I can have fun."
"Jesus Cor that hurt. And REALLY you think so? Because I bet you couldn't last a single minute having actual fun. No I'm not talking about reading."
Although that did sound very fun right about now I just sneered.
"I so could. I'm definitely a secret badass."
He laughed his ass off at that one.
"God Cor you're killing me."
I rolled my eyes.
"So about this fun.."

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