4- Small Talk

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We had driven another hour and I was very pissed.
"Liam where the hell are we going?! This club is like two states away!"
He shrugged.
"Well its a great club. Plus, we are gonna need to go shopping for club clothes."
I rolled my eyes.
"You know we do have a mall in our town right?"
He laughed.
"Yes now can you stop with the questions please sweetness?"
I shot him one last glare before defiantly tuthing away and drowning him out with the music blasting through the AUX cord connected to my phone.
I wonder what his story was.
I couldn't exactly ask him, and it would probably be way too prying if I did, but I was so curious. I hated small talk with a passion. The 'what kind of music do you like' and 'favorite color?' nonsense just annoyed me. No one actually cared about the answer, they just couldn't stand the bland awkwardness of silence. I wanted to know more. Yeah your favorite color might be blue, but when you were a child did you like keeping caterpillars and watching them transform into butterflies, or were you squeamish. You might love Selena Gomez but what's the only thing to cheer you up when you're down and do you always have to have a cup of tea before bed?Nobody ever cared to ask those questions though, because it would be considered nosy. I didn't want to be nosy, I just realized that you can't really know someone because their favorite color is blue and they like Selena Gomez. Tell me about your old pet dog and how you wanted to be a teacher when you grew up. Tell me about how you were intrigued by the little dots on ladybugs, and how it bothers you when people smoke, simply because you're worried for other around you. Tell me about your childhood and every single deep thought you've never had the guts to say out loud. Talk to me about your craziest theory of how we came to be on this earth and let me know that mac and cheese is your comfort food, and you hate your coffee black.
Tell me the important stuff.
I was whipped out of my thoughts as liam started to loudly but cutely sing alone to Little Things by One Direction. This was the only song of theirs that was on my phone, and the only one I really cared for.
"You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples on your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'lllove them endlessly"
I smiled softly, closing my eyes to listen to the music better.
By now we had definitely left Pheonix and Glendale, Arizona, where our small town sat on the border between the two.
After closely my inspecting my Google Maps, my music pausing, I realized that we were on our way to Nevada.
And most likely Las Vegas.
I shouted in his face and he swerved over to the side of the road before I could take control of the wheel and probably end up killing us all.
"So. I guess your pretty little head finally figured it out."
I glared at him suspiciously, confused.
"This was all a scheme. You think I care about your plans to have fun? No. Not in a million years. I just needed out of those handcuffs. It was pure luck that your mom, who by the way its obvious you despise, went into labour and I was left with the stupidest girl alive. Come on sweetie, think. Taking off my cuffs? Was that really the best idea? God. Your so damn stupid! This was too easy. And your little friend? She may be all talk but totally weak. Those pretty thin arms of hers couldn't do any damage. You, however, might be able to do something, but not enough. Just because you've got more weight to throw around doesn't mean you could take me down hun. You aren't THAT fat. More like curvy, and its pretty hot. But this isn't the time you want to be hot. We're all going to Vegas. There are people waiting there. I was doing a drug deal cutie pie, the spray paint was a cover up in case I got caught. Easy bail. There's an entire operation running and if either one of you messes it up for me..
Well lets just say you won't be in the best position. More like the worst actually. You'd end up rotting in a cell, barely kept alive, and you would prefer to be dead the way you would be treated. So lets not make this trip a hassle, shall we sweethearts?"
I gulped. My eyes were wide open, stinging with tears. My throat felt closed up, and I couldn't breathe. My mouth was too dry and it felt like the strength it would take to open my mouth and speak could kill me. The distance from one lip to the other suddenly felt like miles, a hour by I physically couldn't take.
I waited for him to laugh and shake his head and tell me he was kidding, but the sinister smirk, that looked more like a sneer, plastered on his face didn't make it seem like he was going to.
I watched as his horribly twisted evil look faded to black.
Then I couldn't see a thing at all.

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