3- Don't Die

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"Sooooo.... What's the plan?"
I asked awkwardly, surrounded by my partners in crime.
I had taken Liam's cuffs off, because I wasn't concerned he would run away. He was only charged for vandalism anyways.
Liam smiled at me and shared a glance with lizzy. I assumed they had spoken while I was getting 'water'.
"Strip club."
I choked on my spit and went into a huge coughing fit.
Liam and Lizzy both rushed over as Liam tried to calm me down and lizzy repeatedly whacked my back, which only made me feel like puking.
"Sweetness calm down. It'll be ok just breathe calm down."
Now I wasn't coughing, just suffering from the lack of being able to breathe as tears filled my eyes from coughing so hard.
He got lizzy to stop thwacking me and rubbed his hand soothingly up and down my spine.
Thank god for that because a couple seconds more of that hyperventilating and I would have had a full blown panic attack and from past experiences I knew it would be horrible.
When I was finally calmed, I giggled.
"Are we seriously going to a strip club?"
My voice sounded crackly from the excessive coughing.
He chuckled and shook his head, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"I was joking gorgeous."
Oh my god calm down self
"But we ARE going to the club, if you're still up for it."
I nodded.
Yeah I might have almost choked to death on my own spit but eh who cares.
I was gonna have some fun.
"Why can't we just go here?"
I asked, pointing to the fiftieth place we'd passed.
Liam shook his head in frustration.
"That's a bar Cor there's a difference. Plus this one is special."
I growled in anger.
"Well we are gonna need gas and I am NOT breaking down this far from home." Liz added from the drivers seat.
Liam nodded and told her that there would be a gas station in about a mile.
When we did arrive at the station, I was too comfortable to wanna get out, so Liam offered to go in and pay and grab some snacks and Lizzy got the gas into the car.
I sat there for a moment, listening to the soft hum of the music. A Love Like War by All Time Low was playing.
After a bit, Liz joined me.
Once the song had ended, she spoke first.
"So... Liam huh?"
I snorted.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That boy is hotter than the fucking sun."
To avoid responding to that, I went on a rant about how if he really were that hot he would have been obliterated by the heat in milliseconds and so would we. She wouldn't have that though.
"Girl just shut up a second. I'm just saying he seems really great."
She was blushing! Elizabeth Rose Young wearer of all things black and badass was BLUSHING.
"Oh my god you like him don't you!"
She turned away and looked out the window.
I gave her a this-isnt-over smirk before Liam got back in.
"Hello ladies! Ok I got two doctor peppers and one root beer for whoever and then I got Skittles for me and Twizzlers for Cora and a snickers for Lizzy. Then I just grabbed a bunch of chips and beef jerky and some water and stuff like that. Is it good?" He was looking up at me like a little kid, looking for approval.
"You were surprisingly close for not being told anything. You got our drinks right if that root beer is for Lizzy and you got the candy right for me but Twix is her favorite and also would have worked for me, I love anything chocolate."
He nodded hastily, as if he were taking notes.
"Sorry Lizzy."
She shrugged, looking at him with an obvious twinkle in her eye. I don't know how I hadn't noticed before.
"It's fine."
I looked into the bag,to see what else he'd bought as Liz drove off.
"Doritos. Hot Cheetos. A huge pack of m&m's to share. Beef jerky. Some dark chocolate bars. Gum. An assortment of random chocolate bars and water. Not bad LiLi."
He shuddered with disgust.
"Don't call me that."
I giggled and started poking the back of his neck.
Lizzy stopped me and I halted, feeling slightly hurt she'd yelled at me.
So I just shoved my twizzlers into my mouth and looked out the window.
Then she turned the music up too loud to hear anyone anyways.
After about another hour of driving, I felt a vibration in my butt.
"Hey Cora why didn't you answer the home phone?"
Oh shit.
"Oh I was downstairs sorry. What's up dad?"
"Well your mother has been in labour for much longer than expected and because of the way the baby seems to be turning we might need to have a C-section."
I gasped at the thought of her, laying cut open on an operation table. I may not be the happiest with her right now but I would never want that.
"Um. Ok. Good luck."
"Yeah I think she'll be fine but it's going to take a while for her to recover so if you just want to drop Liam off at the station you can. That is, if you aren't comfortable with staying with him. Just tell them his name is Liam Slater and that they can take off a week of my pay for leaving a convict with a minor."
Oh no. I didn't want them to take away his money and I'm sure he could get in worse trouble than that.
"Its fine. He's actually pretty nice."
"Ok thank you so much we'll be home in a day or a couple. I'm just gonna sleep on the couch here."
He sounded so relieved I knew I had made the right choice.
"Ok have fun dad. Love you."
"Love you too."
And he hung up.
"So what was that?" Liam turned around to look at me, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"Dad checking up. We have a couple days."
Liam smiled and nodded.
"Nice. More fun to be had."

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