Now What

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It was early in the morning and was the second day of our school trip. We went to a museum it was a tall building and we were at the second to top floor.

I had gone ahead of the group and was staring out the window at a shorter building. I was wishing something more interesting would happen.

Suddenly the roof of the building I was staring at started to spark, and then lit on fire.

The fire was growing fast. I grabbed my phone a quickly called 911. Once I told them what was happening I ran to the elevator.

Once outside I headed to the build that was on fire, as I was running across the street, I was suddenly picked up from the waist. I turned to see my capture and it was an unknown man. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. He carried me like a basketball, this made me angry, so I wiggled to get out of his grasp.

To no avail, he adventually put me down, but unlucky for me it was by his car. "Get in." He stated plainly. "No, I won't. I am not stupid." And I started to walk away, but he reached out and grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. Putting me at the man's side, he put something at my side, but I couldn't see it for it was covered by his jacket. But I recognized it as a... gun.

"Get in the car, now." The man stated more strongly, I did as I was told for I wanted to live.

We drove off, quickly getting farther and farther away from the museum.

There were two other people in the car, another man he had long curly hair, and green eyes. He and the man with the gun, who was driving, were both wearing brown leather jackets, and ripped jeans. Besides the two men in the car there was a women, she was a brunette and had green eyes as well and wore glasses, I wondered why she was here.

I thought that maybe she was kidnapped as well. But that idea was instantly vaporized, when a conversation started.

"What are you going to do with the girl?" The women asked in a voice that matched her looks, soft and intellectual. "What do you think? She will be our hostage." The driver said.

I was really starting to get worried now, if I am there hostage than they trying to get something. Most likely it is money, but it could also be a person.

I remembered that I had my phone so I went to reach for it, but was stopped by a grab of the wrist and, "What are you doing? You don't think that you're going to grab your phone, do you?" The driver said as he swung the device in his hand.

I was terrified, if I could have run I would have. But though I was scared I still made myself speak. "So you are kidnappers and pick-pockets." I made my voice sound calm so that they, didn't have any reason to get smug.

Because in this situation a sumg guy is not what you want especially if that guy is the driver, and the one with the gun.

We had finally made it to our destination. It was what I thought at all, it was a house. With what looked to be a party in full swing.

The three kidnappers got out of the car and forced me to get out as well. We all walked up to the door, the man with green eyes knocked on the door.

Soon after a man came to the door, you could tell he had been drinking, his breath stank and he was a bit wobbly.

The brown eyed man said smiling. "We have come to check your plumbing." The man at the door was too intoxicated to notice it was a lie.

So he foolishly let us in, I tried to stay outside but they pushed me into the building. We went to the living room where all the guests were.

Suddenly the man with the brown eyes grabbed me, and put the gun to my head, saying, "Alright, listen up carefully. I want all jewelry, precious items, and money in the bag." The other two crooks held out a large bag, for them to put the guest's valuables in.

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