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The sun is rising. Jellal was sitting by the large window of the castle, overwhelmed by its beauty. From here he can see all of Latiastar's glory. This is his everyday life. He'd always wake before the sunrise and take his place at the window, waiting, watching as the skies lighten up. I do not care how my day ends. Seeing the sun reborn and watching its light be gone at dusk makes my day. It never failed to amaze him. Perhaps because Morning and Dusk at Latiastar is always sunny. Rains and murky clouds only come in the afternoon or late at night. Even on winters.

But today, there's a slight change in his life. Her sister. Every day in his entire life, as the sun is risen, so would his sister with her soothing voice singing to the sun. She'd then mock him for not waking her up to watch the glorious coming of the sun. Now, she's gone west, to Arcana, the place of knowledge and old powers. It was yesterday afternoon when the chariot had come to pick her. This was the first sunrise without her then there'd be more days to count. A place that is the exact opposite of Latiastar. Here, the Sun is only thing that is sacred. The moon is but the sun whose flames are asleep for the comfort of mankind. There, the sun and moon are couples having the sun as god and the moon as the goddess. He was correct. At Arcana, people believe in power greater than man had ever imagined. The sun for them is what gives guidance to mankind, bravery and strength to warriors, and prosperity to the world. It is the embodiment of masculinity and physical aspects. The moon then represents femininity, the mind, the emotion, and those beyond the senses' reach.

His stay on the window for the morning light was cut short when he heard the sounds of a horde marching towards Latiastar. He looked down by the window. They're coming in. He saw the banners through the window, the fiery crown of the sun. At the center front is Lord Amun Pyre riding his white horse. Beside him is his first-born son, Lord Yaron Pyre, in a black mount. A number of the Knights of Sunheart followed behind. The castle gates opened for them when the Captain of the Knights blew their horn. Its sound was loud and one of a kind that once it is heard, it is known that the Pyres have come.

From afar, more riders are making their way to the castle. He saw the blue flags which made him recognize it was the Falcones'. Behind them were green banners of the bloodline Krokus. All the great eastern kin are here. The thought made him shiver but it made him curious, the real reason why his morning sun pastime was cut short. He made his way down to begin eavesdropping. He leaned against the pillar in the corner that supports the staircase. The clanging of metals grew louder. They're finally here, all of them. They walked pass through him yet unnoticed. They're not going to upstairs. He expected them to go upstairs where meetings usually take place. Where'd they possibly go? He peeked a little, then he knew. Ten years and a five had passed since that room had been used. The last time that a royalty had sat foot in Latiastar. The time when the King himself asked for peace and alliance to the Easterners. A time so dark wherein the East was divided that two ancient houses rumbled for power. It was father who accepted the alliance, he wanted peace. But the opposing house, ruled by Lord Grynadiem, wanted none but the crown to rule the lands. He believed that the easterners are more of better rulers than the southerners. If only there's a way to eavesdrop. He thought. The sun had already risen in all of its glory. A ray of sun came from the open windows of the castle pointing to the ground at the corner just near the pillar where he had hidden from the knights. How can I forget? There are tons of underground tunnels here in the castle. I discovered them myself back then when the king had visited this land. I was eavesdropping too, hid here in the same pillar and fell to the tunnels in accident. Jellal slipped into the passage.

What's that smell? Whatever it was, the smell was too strong that it caught Jellal's attention. The smell grew stronger as he went near the chambers where his lord father will meet the other lords and knights. It was dark but at the walls were candelabras. Luckily, Jellal had brought a match with him. He took one and lit it and found his way to where exactly the room lies just above him. Sun's Blood! Jellal was alarmed with the sharp familiar scent and quicly blew the flames of his candles off. Who would bring Sun's Blood to Latiastar? It's very sensitive to fire. Upon ignition, a fiery wave, said to be silent but more lethal than explosions, occurs, killing those within a specific radius which they call as the ring of fire. When ignited on field it is said that the flames crawl to the ground fast, even in water and air. They say that its flames are hotter than the sun. Western people called it as the Tears of the Sun, sometimes the Sun's Wrath because of the destruction it could cause. Extinguishing the fire is only possible through rainwater or by a special liquid called as the Moon's Grace which is mixed to ordinary water. Its smell is as sweet as the flowers in Gardensglove. So they say. But none smelled sweet in the castle. They did not bring any grace of the moon. Jellal had noticed.

"A dozen barrels as promised." A man spoke as the clanging of steels out of men's foot came. Dusts fell on Jellal's head as the barrels were laid across the floor atop.

"Latiastar is pleased with your service." His lord father replied.

Sunheart is pleased to serve our one true king. The man replied. One true king? The words intrigued Jellal. What came next had brought him more suspicions.

"So, when do we attack?" The question came from a deep voice. The voice was familiar and Jellal had recognized such voice. Lord Yaron. The name came to his mind. What attack is he talking about?

"The sunbirds have taken their flight." His lord father replied. "Sooner or later every corner of the land would have been enlightened of the truth and all the lies that had clouded our realm for a long time will be unveiled."

Truth and lies? There is a lot of things going in Latiastar and I have no idea about it, not even a single tiny detail that mat pinpoint to whatever is happening here. Each word had scared Jellal but it had not drew him off. Instead, it had made him more curious.

"We make our first move today. We will be infusing our cargo ship with half a dozen barrels. The port for trades is located at the east of Maven's Edge. The ship will be having our most skilled archer, none other than Commander Damon. When the barrels are dropped at the center plaza where it will be moved to their market, our boys will rush to the ship, give a signal, and Commander Damon will send a blazing arrow and unleash hell."

"But how much gold will you be losing with the wines that would've been transported." Asked by a jarring manly voice which Jellal recognized in instant. The young Lord Falcone. The Falcones had always been good at financial matters.

"We won't be losing anything my dear Lord. In fact, we would still gain gold. Payments are made on the port as our boys deliver it to the center plaza. Six of the barrels are Tears of the Sun and four of them are just water. No one will be suspicious. The old merchant who oversees market operations and sells our wines is foolish enough because he trust us so much that he would only inspect the barrels when his old stocks are already sold."

"Ahh. Then I think we have no problem with that. Where do we enter then?"

"A port on the south is for visitors. We make our landing there after we flare up their city. We sail tonight but the cargo will move as soon as the barrels are loaded. Commander Damon go with four other knights and bring half dozen barrels to the ship that we have set awhile back. You already know what to do."

"Aye Your Grace."

"Aye, aye" said an old man.

"Oh my it is too hot in here, I'm sweltering." It was Lord Amun Pyre.

Then Jellal felt it too. "Argh" he shouted. The unlit candles of the candelabra had been melting fast and had deformed already. What is happening? He told himself.

"My Lords! The barrels are budging" Jellal could hear the barrels upstairs and the sound of liquid that seems to be boiling. A swift wind-like sound came. Then came the crackles of what seemed to be the sound of fire.

"Run!" the lords shouted as footsteps of men trying to save their lives are heard by Jellal. The lives of men who were yet to harvest glory are to be lost that same day that they are to embark on their quest. And just like that came the silent sound of the blood of the sun and the glory of explosion. Jellal threw himself down and covered as the heat wave surged Latiastar. The keep crumbled and shook. The mighty walls cracked and burned until time turns them into ashes. Debris fell entrapping Jellal. "Fa . . . Father" he sighed, trembling as he saw bones of men who were just above him a while back, burning. Blood drips from his head. May the Sun ever golden and radiant show mercy and just take us all to free us from this agony. He prayed as the flames of the blood of the sun that devoured Latiastar blurred and faded from his eyes until none is left but pitch black darkness. Latiastar has fallen were his last words as his eyes closed bidding farewell to the world he had known.

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