Chapter 11

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"Welcome to your first official Confidant meeting." Mrs.Blake announced .

"Your first mission will be in two weeks with your partner Payne, of course

"But before the mission you have to choose a weapon "

"This weapon will be your tool to eliminate you assignments"

I stared at the massive weapon display , it held everything from dangerous chemical to grenades and several types of guns.

On the last shelf I caught a glimpse of a small box behind all the other weapon.

I pushed everything aside and grabbed the box putting it on the table , I wiped away all the dust on the surface for it to reveal a Greek word .

"μυθικός" was carved into the top of the box.

" Mythikós" I said out loud and the box clicked open.

Lifting the top it revealed Nestling in the box was an anklet with six charms attached.

I looked up expecting to see everyone holding in their laughter but they stared at me shocked.

"Y-You opened it" Mrs.Blake stuttered.

I stared at her clueless.

"No one has ever been able to open that box" exclaimed Xavier.
"No one even no knows where that box came from" added Cole.

"What does this even do ?"
They all gave me 'are you dumb looks'. Which I ignored.

I picked up the anklet and toke off the knife charm and started saying random things.
"Open sesame"
"Damn Daniel"

I burst out laughing at the last one and wiped away a stray tear.

I came to my senses "Mythikós" I said and the knife transformed.
"Cool" I stated excited. I clutched the handle of the blade only for many more blades to reveal themselves

"Okay scary" I exclaimed placing the blades  on the table carefully.

"Wanna touch it ?" I asked the guys only to hear a series of 'no thank yous' making me chuckle.

"Mythikós" I whispered and the blade retracted back to it's charm form.

I reattached it to the anklet before sitting down and wrapping it around my anklet.

A perfect fit.

Payne POV

She made everything officially official when she signed the final contract of the long tiring process, she is now truly a member of Confidant.

Now all she had to do was get the mark.

I realized that I always have to drive V home. Apparently.

She went inside her house and closed the door behind her .

I couldn't will myself to leave I literally had nothing to do and was bored out of my mind all the time.

I sighed turning off the engine I watched the door for a while before deciding to go knock.

My hand was about to touch the door when it flew open.

Victoria stepped outside in  a simple light blue vest with sweats and a converse her hair in a ponytail.

She didn't notice my presence as her beats blasted music so loud that I understood every word. 

I stared at her as she locked the door.

" Well come on stalker" she told me as she toke of her headphones stepping off the porch.

"You knew i was here ?"  



"A future assassin that can't sense someones presence is dumb"

"Also" she pointed towards the car in the driveway.

"Lets go your taking me for ice cream" she said leaving me on the porch.

We pulled up at Cold Stones about ten minutes later bought ice cream and left going back to her house.

I was getting bored again.

"Truth or Dare" she asked suddenly .

I  smirked  "Dare" I responded

She put a mischievous smile on her face. 

" Do the cinnamon challenge" she said jumping off the couch  running into the kitchen.

She came back with a spoon, cinnamon and large glass of water.

She dished out the cinnamon with the spoon handing it to me.

I was about to put in my mouth.

"Wait" she shouted.

She toke out her phone. "I have to capture this moment"

I rolled my eyes.

I put the cinnamon in my mouth toke out the spoon.

At first it was like I was getting multiple shots in my mouth then it started burning then it hit me like a ton of bricks my mouth was on fire.

I spat out the cinnamon immediately grabbing the water chugging it down it only made it worst I ran into the kitchen going to the fridge and taking the milk also chugging it down then my mouth stopped burning.

Victoria was toppled over laughing tears streamed down her face.

"That.....Was.........Hilarious" She said in between laughing.

Soon after a while i joined her laughing at myself and also thing about my revenge.


Hello my little llamas, I have finally updated and I just want to say thank you guys so much for over 300 views it is beyond real. Thank you so much : ]

BTW: To lovernerdpuppy I updated ; ]

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