Chapter 18

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Victoria POV

I wanted out.

I pounded on the walls of the white.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Hearing everyone say these things is getting to me.

Xavier everyone say all these this was all his fault is what finally got me to snap.

Crimson red stained the walls as my knuckles began bleeding.

Finally there was a crack in the wall and a wave of nausea hit me , black dots danced in my vision and I was engulfed by darkness.

Xavier POV

I stood outside the room watching as they put an oxygen mask on Victoria's face and began doing CPR on her.

Then it happened.

The doctor just stopped his actions.

I looked over at the heart monitor and stared at it blinking to make sure I saw correctly.

I was frozen just staring at the monitor in shock.

She flat lined. 

Her heart stopped.

She was gone.

I broke down into a mess of sobs.

This was all my fault.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Mrs.Blake opened her arms for me and I didn't hesitate to sob into her chest.

Suddenly she gasped.

I looked into the room to see what she was staring at.

I followed her gaze to Victoria's wrist to see what looked like black ink swirling around it into a design on her both hands.

The designs finished and Victoria sat up her eyes opened widely and the heart monitor lines became jagged again.

Tears of joy streamed down my face as Victoria locked eyes with me.

She downed the glass of water that was handed to her as the doctor still looked at her in shock.

The doctor began to do a check up on her until finally Mrs Blake and I were allowed inside.

She smiked at me and I  walked tiwards her expecting a hug but instead she hit me upside the head.

What is with people at hit me upside the head ?

"What was that for ?" I exclaimed 

"That was for being stupid" she shouted at me which surprised me since I expected her voice to be scratchy.

"That was for thinking this was all your fault"  she whispered as tears streamed down her face and she looked down playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry" I said as I toke her hand.

"But seriously that was really dumb" she added looking at me.

"I said I was sorry what do you want blood"

"That's not funny"

We continued bickering  until someone cleared their throats.

"What!" Victoria and I snapped turning our head towards the person.

"Mrs Blake" Victoria squealed as she saw the middle aged lady and engulfed her in a hug.

Mrs Blake kissed the top of her head like a mother would as they began conversing and I stepped to the side to make a phone call.

Payne POV

I sped down the road not caring about law right now.

Two familiar cars close behind.

I turned into the parking lot and parked not even bothering to lock my car I raced towards the infirmary.

"Move your slow arse Payne"

"Mufasa" Cole and Jake shouted behind me and I rolled my eyes.

We burst into the room.

The first thing we saw was Mrs Blake and Xavier glumly  faces.

"Why are all you people in my room ?"

"Do I know you guys ?"

The smile was wiped off of our faces as we heard those words exit Victoria's mouth.

"Are you guys lost ?"

"Y'all are the lost boys huh"

That's when I saw it.

They were all struggling to keep straight faces.

Victoria , Mrs Blake and Xavier all made eye contact with each other before they all exploded with laughter.

"T-the looks on y-your f-faces. Priceless" Xavier stuttered through laughter while holding his sides.

The guys an I let put a breath of relief  as we listened to Victoria's sweet laughter.

I thought I would never hear it again.

"So am going to have to raise from the dead again to get some love or ...." Victoria spoke up.

We didn't hesitate to engulf her in a huge group hug.

We were all a sobbing mess in her arms.

"Don't ever do that again you hear me ever" Cole told her as if scolding a child.

She nodded.

Then it registered.

"What do you mean rise from the dead" I asked worriedly.

They then explained it.

How Victoria had passed away and was dead for about half and hour before these marks appeared on her wrist and she just suddenly woke up.

"Well that God for that" Jane said putting his hands together as if he was praying.

She began observing her wrist until she gasped.

She ripped the covers off her body and look down at her ankle.

"The mark of the invincible" she wispered  to herself.

She began her temples but winced as her fingers made contact with her head.

"We should let her rest" Mrs Blake said calmly and we all nodded.

She waved goodbye to us as we exited her room.

I looked at the guys and they looked at me I know they heard what Victoria said and we were going to fingers put what it meant.

Victoria POV

I lay awake on the darkness of my hospital room.
So what she said was correct.
This is only the beginning.


Hello Everyone 
I have updated since school starts tommorow.
*kicks school bag*

Who do you think is she.

I think that I will be able to update every forth night.

And your studies are important so put down the phone and pick up a book

(And I don't mean Percy Jackson)

I love you all lots and lots.
Bye Bye for now

Dedicated to

Because her b day was yesterday.

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