Chapter 22

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Victoria POV 

Tears streamed down my face as Payne stormed out of the house slaming the door making me flinch.

We had just had our first argument and it wasnt pretty.

"Why don't you want to go to prom ?" Payne questioned as we entered the house.

"I just don't want to go okay" I snapped at him chucking my bag onto the couch.

"I just asked you a questioned you don't have to be getting angry"

"Im not getting angry I just dont want to go to prom" I shouted brushing past him going into the kitchen.

"Is it because of me" he raised his voice.

"Maybe it is" I again snapped at him and my eyes widened realizing what I had just said.

"So that how it is" you could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Payne Im sorry I didnt mean it" I touched his shoulder but he flinched away.

He looked me dead in the eye before turning away and storming out.

I watched him speed off in his car which made me cry harder.

I slid down the door pulling my knees to my chest.

What have I done ?

Payne POV 

Its been two days.

Two days since I've spoken to my girlfriend atleast I think she's still my girlfriend.

Victoria has gone back to her sad self.

Wearing hoodies,eating on the bleachers by herself and taking the bus.

She avoids me at all cost.

But now I was tired of this and I wanted my girlfriend back.

It was the end of school and as usual Victoria took a trip to the library before going home.

My little nerd.

The halls were clear now in this part of the school which was perfect.

She exited the library and I gently pushed up against lockers caging her in with my arms.

"P-Payne w-what are you doing here" she stuttered her eyes pooling.

"I just want you back baby girl I'm sorry" I snuggled my head into her neck and she sighed.

"Im the one who should be apologising I'm sorry I was acting so bitchy" she played with my hair chuckling.

"But please tell me why you dont want to go" I cupped her face and she leaned into my touch.

"I just thought that you want to go to prom with someone better that me"

Tears dripped onto the floor at rapid speed.

"Someone prettier or smarter" she looked me in my eyes.

"I didnt think I was good enough" she said this while smiling which made my eyes pool.

I pulled her into my my chest as I was also crying.

"Don't you ever say that again" I scolded her and I was sure that she could feel my tears falling onto her hair.

She looked up at me.

"Dont cry baby its ok" she cooed wiping away at my tears.

"As long as I have you I'll be fine" she tip toed pecking my lips.

I smiled at my baby girl entwining our fingers as we walked through the halls exiting the school into the now almost empty parking lot.

It felt good to have Victoria back in my car huming along to the songs on the radio while playing with the fingers of my free hand.

"We wont go to prom well just have a couples night but ill buy you a corsage anyway an you'll look as beautiful as ever in it " I kissed her hand and she giggled.

That night Victoria was right where she was suppose to be with her head laid on my bare chest snoring softly.

Victoria POV

Payne and I both wore sweatpant , a t shirt and converse as we hoped into his car and he laughed as I proped my feet up onto his lap.

We pulled up at thenlocal walmart and we dashed out of the car.

I sat in the cart as Payne pushed we through the store stopping to get thenitems we needed.

After we had filled our cart with snacks we paid and headed to McDonald's then Pizza Hut.

Payne and I plopped down onto my bed surrounded by food playing video games and pigginf out on food.

Eating pizza and watching movies.

Playing by the pool side.

Just being ourselves and then at the end pf the night is when it got even better.

"May I have this dance" Payne bowes infront of me like a prince.

"Yes you may" I took his hand ajd henpulled me into him.

He placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We swayed even though there was no music.

"You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for" I admitted as I rested my head against his chest.

"And your the best girlfriend a boy could ask for" I smiled up at him and he leaned down capturing my lips with his.

Im not dead. Yay
This is the last chapter and then theres an epilogue.
Im so excited to write it.

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