Chapter 2

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Everyone turned to Gray as soon as Natsu left the guild.

"Why on earth would you say that to him?!" Erza said threatening to hit Gray only to be held back by Gajeel and Lucy.

Gray looked down. "I-i dont know"

"Thats not a good enough excuse go and apologise immediatly" Erza said and shooed Gray away.

Gray looked to Lucy and Happy who surprisingly hadnt gone after Natsu.

"We'll come too" Lucy said recognising Gray anxiousness.

The trio left the guild quickly and went looking for Natsu. The eventually arrived at his house it was getting late but none of the lights were on.

"Maybe he hast come home yet" Lucy said.

"Aye" Happy said quietly.

"Im gonna try anyway" Gray said and he walked up to Natsu's door.

He knocked but heard no reply from inside. He knocked again, still nothing. He was about to walk away when he heard something loud and metal crash to the floor. He knocked on the door again this time calling out to Natsu.

More crashes could be heard from inside and if Gray listened silently he could hear muffled sobs, most likely from Natsu. Whats he doing?? Gray thought as he tried to opened the door.  Locked.

The crashes caught Happy and Lucys attention as they came up to the door.

"Its locked" Grau said.

"Its okay i have a key" Happy said and swiftly i locked the door. We stepped into Natsu and Happy's house to see the hall conpletely trashed.

Gray looked at the mess and could see some burn marks on the walls and floor. Natsu... Im so sorry he thought. We walked into the kitchen to see it was in no better condition thatn the hallway.

"Thats strange!" Happy said suddenly peering in the drawers holding cutlery.
"The big fish knive is gone"

Gray froze, he wouldnt go as far as to ... Gray shook his head, Natsu's stronger thatn that right??

We heard a thump from upstairs and quickly went up to check. The upstairs was in a just as bad state as the downstairs was.

All the doors and been burned except one which Gray could presume to only be Natsu's room. Gray tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Natsu" Gray called but was meet with conplete silence. "Natsu, i know you are in there!" Still nothing. "Im ... Im really sorry, i didnt mean it i was just caught up in the arguement.."

If Natsu was there he didnt reply. Gray's mind kept wandering to the missing knife Happy noticed was gone.

"Luce, Happy you dont think... Natsu took the knife ... And ... and " Gray couldnt the sentence as he suddenly burst into tears.

Lucy and Happy were shocked, they had never seem Gray cry and for him to cry over Natsu was so out of character.

"No i would hope he wouldnt" Lucy said tryig to comfort Gray.

"You dont understand, i went too far today and it hurts, usually insulting him didnt matter to me but its gotten so hard to insult him... I dont know why, but what if hes hurt and alone and scared."

Lucy, still in shock of Gray's confession and saw how oblivious he was to his own feelings, smiled.

"Gray, i think you like him" she said.

Gray looked at her.

"You like Natus!!" She squealed.

"W-what??" Gray stammered and blushed deeply. Did he like Natsu? Is that what these weird feeling were?

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