Alternate Ending

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... It's been a while, I thought an alternate ending may make the ending seem more satisfiying


Here we go


Its been days, we still don't know if Natsu will wake up. I never meant for a stupid spur of the moment comment to go this far.

I never meant for any of this to happen. I should have brought him straight here instead of giving him a bloody bath then taking him to the guild. What kind of idiot am I?

I sat at Natsu's bedside. Hand firmly in his, I gave it a squeeze so he knew I was here.. Waiting for him. No matter how long it took for him to wake.

"Hi.. Natsu, I -I hope you can hear me. Otherwise it looks like I've been talking to myself" I gave a weak chuckle.

"We really miss you Natsu, please come back to us."

I gave his hand another squeeze. Tears filled my eyes as no response came from the boy in the bed.

I rested my head in my free hand, tears threatening to fall wen it happened.

We had been waiting for months for this. I felt a weak squeeze from Natsu's hand. I look up to see Natsu now sitting up in bed, tears falling down his face.

"G-gray? Y-you waited for me?!"

"Of course I did you idiot!" I sprung from my chair and embraced the boy o feel in love with.

"I'm so so so sorry Natsu, I never meant for any of this" I sobbed into his shoulder as he did to me.

"I know - I heard you... It's okay I forgive you"

I lifted my head from his shoulder and gazed into his beautiful eyes.

"I love you so much, I was scared to admit before encase our weird friendship was ruined... But this has made me realise that ... That I don't ever want to be apart from you again. I don't want to lose you!"

Natsu gave a teary chuckle and grinned his signature smile.

"You can't get rid of me that easy!"

I held my hand to his cheek and pulled him in for the long awaited kiss and I feel Natsu's arms wrap round my neck.

After we pull away I rest my forehead on his.
"I promise this will never happen again!" I whispered. "I want us to be together... Forever and beyond"

"Forever and beyond"

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