Mr. Nobody

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Hey first book...hope you like it..!!!!


Hey. I'm Haley Lautner. No. I am not related to Taylor Lautner in any way. Do not get me all relative zoned for him.

I'm a brown eyed brunette with mid length hair and have an average height of Five feet seven inches.

(Average, right?)

With that description you can probably conjure up a character that looks like me. (Maybe not. But this is a book, IMAGINE)

I'm a sixteen year old highschool girl.

Since I said highschool, all you imaginative people are probably thinking about where I lie in that social scale of Miss Popular/ Somewhere between popular and normal/ normal/ somewhere between normal and nerd/ nerd.

I'm really not sure where I stand. But I might be on the 'somewhere between normal and nerd'.

Since I have the word nerd in my overall description everyone is probably stereotyping me. Well, to be honest, everyone has the wrong impression of nerds. Nerds are just people who want to do something with their lives and have the strength to control their out of control hormones.

Where I rise a bit higher than this prejudiced group, is because of one of my two best friends, Emily.

She is not exactly the 'Miss Sass' of our school but she is trying pretty hard and well sometimes she takes it too far. Drinking, going to parties and well banging lots of guys is what she is doing a lot these days. So she comes between the 'between popular and normal'. Wannabe? Maybe the exact word.

My other best friend Kiara is on the 'normal'. She goes to parties, people know her. But she doesn't really try.

Although both of my best friends attend parties, have fun and live life like a normal teenager should, I sit at home and read stories in the teen fiction section of Wattpad. Totally trying to experience the normal life by reading about it.

It's not really the inner nerd inside me that doesn't let me go. It's actually my way too conservative mom that has me locked up in the house.

If I ever went and if she found out, she would lock me up in the cupboard and treat me like Harry Potter's uncle and aunt use to treat him.

Alright. Maybe that's a bit far fetched.

It's just that Miss Goody Two Shoes can't really lie to her momma.


And then like all cliché stories go...a unicorn will fall out of the sky with diamonds....

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