Straight Gangsta

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              S's POV
Where's my daughter what happened is she okay dad came in yelling

Who are they D asked

This is April Lexi's friend and her twin August Lexi's boyfriend. Z said

Where's K mom asked

Idk I think someone took her I said

Hey but look on the b right side Z said

What's the bright side J asked

Lexi said she loves you all I said

But except you D she said Fuck u Z said

What happened Ray asked

We were walking out the club being lit then someone screamed Lexi and they shot her and took K and we drove to the hospital and then we were in traffic and mr hero carried her out the car and ran to the hospital and saved her life I said

We sat down and ate some food and waited.

Doctor August screamed

A doctor came over

How can I help you sir she said

My girlfriend is here can you tell us what happened and if she's okay.

     Unknown POV
I waited all night for her to come out that club I was gonna take away his everything just like he did to me I hope the Queen dies in his arms

Hey sweetie you hungry I asked her

Probably trying to poison me you bitch she said

K don't be mean I'll get you a plate boo but don't worry did you really think you could get away from me I asked and got her some food

Then I made the call

King's(Lexi's dad) POV
My phone started ringing


If you want your precious daughter K to live your gob Nando a few things for me

Who are you don't touch her that's my child I'm her father

Why you take in all these kids huh is it because of Beatrice and Raymond and Tiffany and Lonnie

Shut your mouth about them and what you talking about Raymond is here whit us

Yeah for now

Shut up what do you want

10,000 would be nice then I won't kill her

Okay we will see about that call me later

Okay  bye

I hung up the phone

What the fuck I screamed

I can't loose anymore kids I yelled

Honey I know it's gonna be fine your a good man Lesha(Lexi's mom) said

Doctor where's my daughter you will give me answers now right now I yelled

Okay Sir what's her name he asked in fear

PorschA King

She just got out of surgery I'll go find what rooms she's in.

A different Doctor came a few minutes later

Family of PorschA King she said we all stood up

Well she's in a critical condition she has a little memory lost so keep trying to update her on things that she can't remember she's temporarily paralyzed so she will be in a wheelchair for a month but other than that she's fine

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