Do I love him?

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August baby I said

Yeah babe he said coming out my bathroom with only boxers

I have to handle business today so J will be picking me up I appreciate you taking off from your job to take care of me I said

Anything for you ma he said I smiled I already had my bath so I pulled on my clothes and made it to my chair I know what you thinking I can walk but only short periods of time like out the car to my chair off the bed to my chair from my wheelchair to a regular chair you see.

I got my purse and put on some lipstick and foundation I was to lazy to do my hair and makeup now so one of the girls will do it for me. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and got my purse phone and keys I put my bandana around my neck cause it's cute.

I went to the elevator with August he opened the front door and pushed me to my car

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I went to the elevator with August he opened the front door and pushed me to my car.

Hey J I said I opened my car door and stood up August tried to pick my up and put me in my Bugatti.

Auggie let me try myself I said and he backed off

You can do it sis J said he's so motivational being sarcastic I put on leg in the car and got in the passenger side August handed me my phone and purse and I kissed him.

Love you see you later he said

Love you too I said and closed the door August folded my wheelchair and put it in the back we sped off.

Sis you doing pretty good yo ass will be up and working soon boo he said

This has made me wanna experience my dream cause life is to short one day I'm dancing my heart out the next I can barely walk I said

That was deep what's your dream

To be a singer of course I said


No I wanna be a fashion designer and a business woman

That's a good dream go for it you already on the right path almost graduating and getting two degrees he said

Yeah I'm 21 it's time to make some important decisions for my future I said then we pulled up at the trap I got out the car J got out my wheelchair and I sat down. J did the knock the bodyguard let us in.

Hello Queen how you feeling he said and bowed

Like a crippled person that can't do anything I said

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