The Little Ballerina

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There once was a little ballerina. And she was always twisting and turning.

She was a lovely girl. Yet she was never quite learning.

She pointed her toes. She did her best.

Her family encouraged her.
But behind her back they called her a pest.

It was for years she tried. Yet she soon found out.

She was hurt. Now filled with doubt.

She began to skip. She soon began to hide.

She hid from the world. "I'm fine." she lied.

Her heart started to crumble. She started with a knife.

She still felt alone. She ended up almost taking her own life.

She needed help. Yet she refused to take any.

Several noticed. Help was forced from many.

She had few friends. Yet help was not taken for a while.

Her friends did not worry. Until they saw blood on many the white tile.

Realizing her life was off track, she went for help. Trying her best, she began to dance once more.

She began to return her normal life. Now once more taking the dancing floor.

Yes, she may still need help. But she is now a Ballerina.

Her skill has improved. And now she is a Prima.

Just a quick info thing- A Prima ballerina is a leading female ballerina. They are either the very best of the place they work at or own the entire place but still (normally) dance.

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