I'm up late again.
The only noises are of them sleeping and quiet music.
I'm tired but my mind is awake.
I feel so alone, even when everyone is there.
I'm holding back tears and sobs.I'm up late again.
I'm thinking about them.
I'm thinking about sad things.
I'm trying to find distractions.
I'm walking around to get water.I'm up late again.
I keep ignoring the blades calling me.
I keep ignoring all rationality.
I keep crying.
I keep listening to sad music.I'm up late again.
The lights are still off.
The blades aren't covered in blood.
The music isn't loud enough.
The silence is killing me.I'm up late again.
Refusing to cry.
Refusing to feel.
Refusing to break.
Refusing the world.I'm up late again.
I'm writing so I don't cry.
I'm sitting here with nothing to.
I'm trying to ignore myself.I'm up late again.
I'm holding onto my sanity.
I'm held back by chains.
I'm hiding in the bathroom.I'm up late again.
I'm crying alone in the bathroom again.
I'm hiding my self so no one hears me.
I'm not talking.I'm up late again. And no one is here with me.

Poems From Silence
PoetryI write a lot of depressing stuff. Some are good and some I really hate. But you be the judge I guess. Hope you like these. I don't update this a lot but if I do, it might be pretty go so read it I guess? Idk sorry. Peace