Behind my eyes, I am lost.
Behind my eyes, I know I lied.
Behind my eyes, I'm crying.
Behind my eyes, I know I'm scared.
Behind my eyes, I'm drifting farther.
Behind my eyes, I'm cursed.I'm cursed to have a brain. I've been cursed with thought. I've been cursed to think. I can no longer enjoy living. My brain is killing it's self. I can no longer enjoy a day because my brain is too deep in thought to see beauty anymore.
Behind my eyes, I am alone.
Behind my eyes, I am wishing.
Behind my eyes, I am screaming.
Behind my eyes, I am lying.
Behind my eyes, I am drowning.I am drowning in everything. Life is suffocating me. Every time I swim up to breath, another save come crashing down. I can not breath. And so I cry. I am drowning. But you leave me here to die. Alone and afraid.
Behind my eyes are stars.
Behind my eyes are scars.
Behind my eyes are lies.
Behind my eyes, are cries.I am lying to you. I'm crying out to you. But you leave me here to die. I am screaming out. I'm ignoring the pain in my scars. I try to focus on the stars but the pain is killing me. I'm screaming! And I'm asking. What do you see behind my eyes? Do you see a hollowed shell of happiness and lies? Because thats all I can see anymore.
Behind my eyes is a wishful soul.

Poems From Silence
PoetryI write a lot of depressing stuff. Some are good and some I really hate. But you be the judge I guess. Hope you like these. I don't update this a lot but if I do, it might be pretty go so read it I guess? Idk sorry. Peace