20 Questions

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Two hours, five knocks on the door, and two sodas later, Theo got up to go to the bathroom. That's when Maxee waddled out from behind my stack of books, climbed on top of them, and sat there with her hands in her lap.

"I can't believe I told him." I sighed.

Maxee's body made a movement like she had sighed too, and she nodded. But then she shrugged, standing up. She grabbed my pencil and slid down, walking over to my notebook. She tapped on it twice with the eraser, so I flipped it to a blank page. She stood on it and began writing. It was messy, but I could still make it out.

It read, it might be for the better.

I started to smile a bit, until I heard someone clear their throat beside me. I looked up to see Harry laughed at the note Maxee had left. Her face fell and she hung her head.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." he giggled.


I could never get over the fact my father actually turned out to be a terrible person. I couldn't see how my mother or millions of girls could instantly fall in love with him. Sure, he was good looking, but his personality ruined it. I was pretty glad I wasn't stuck with that from him.

But being me, I wanted to get down to the bottom of things. Why in the hell was my dad suddenly showing up all the damn time? And why was he being so mean to me? So after finishing up my work, I asked my uncles if Theo and I could go to the park.

"Is this like, a date or something?" Niall questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Zayn, you owe me five pounds." Louis smiled.

I had seen the old videos and interviews from 1D days, and I had to say they hadn't changed much. The only difference was they looked a little older, and they were wiser in a way. Especially after losing a best friend like that. Needless to say, 1D didn't last very long after Harry's death.

"It's not a date." Theo stated, and Louis stubbornly gave the money back.

"I just need to relax after doing all that work," I explained, even though it was only a tiny part of the reason I wanted to go. "I promise to be back before Marissa comes home."

The four looked between each other before agreeing we could go. I grabbed my sweatshirt from the coat rack and left with Theo. The streets of London were slippery from the rain, and the air was cold, crisp, and moist. It was still misting a little, so I pulled my hood up over my hair. Theo did the same and jammed his hands in his pockets.

My mother and I had already moved to London before Harry died. She moved in when I was about a year old. We still lived in the same house Harry had bought for us. And living in London wasn't magical like everyone in America and other countries made it out to be. It was cold, wet, and sometimes depressing.

"You need to come to Ireland sometime," Theo mused, looking around. "It's not this wet and dreary there."

"I've been," I reminded him. "I just don't remember it."

"Then what was the point?" he smirked playfully.

We got to the park in ten minutes. I had already told Theo the real reason I wanted to go. I had to talk to Harry and figure out what the hell was going on with him. Why was he acting the way he was? I needed answers, but I needed to talk to him alone. So Theo said he'd sit on the swing and play his little Pokemon game while I talked to Harry.

I made my way over to a bench that no one was using and wiped the seat off with my sweatshirt sleeve. I sat down and turned my head to look at Theo. He didn't even bother wiping off the swing before sitting down with his DS already pulled out. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

I turned back to the table and looked around. "Harry," I said, but there was no one around to hear me. "I have to talk to you."

"Do you, now?" Harry asked from behind me.

He walked around to the other side of the bench and swung his legs over, taking off his coat and sitting on that. He folded his hands on the table and stared at me with his green eyes that looked exactly like my own.

"I have a lot of questions." I stated.

"Who says I have answers?" he shrugged. "Who says I even want to answer?"

"If you didn't, you wouldn't be here, would you?" I pointed out.

"You got me there." he nodded.

"Okay, why are you suddenly coming around so much?" I began.

"Well," he began with a sigh. "About seven years ago when I came by, you had a mental breakdown. I didn't think your mom should go through that again."

"Do you know about Percy?" I blurted, not even wanting to ask that question right now. I didn't even think it was that important.

"Trust me, I know," he growled, his eyes looking like he could kill someone. "Look, I want her to find love again, but love is not found in Percy. He's not right for her. If you've ever been right about anything in your life, your review of Percy is spot on."

"But should I just let her be happy?" I wondered.

"No," he stated bluntly, looking right into my eyes. "He's terrible. He'll be a terrible father, I know it. Get rid of him."

"Are you even thinking of Marissa's feelings in this situation?"

"I'm thinking of how she'll feel when this all falls apart and she marries the wrong guy."

"Are you sure you're not just saying all of this because you know you were the right guy?"

Harry sighed and looked at his hands before looking at me again. "I believe that because I died, I wasn't her correct soul mate."

"As much as I hate you, I believe you're wrong." I said.

Harry scrunched his eyebrows together, studying me intently. "You hate me?"

"You're surprised?" I questioned.

"Surprised you admitted to it," he explained. "I knew you didn't like me."

"And that doesn't make you feel bad? Your own daughter hates you?"

"Not really. I'm not losing anything. I'm already dead."

I weighed his words in my head. He did have a point, but a real dad would've been pretty upset if their child didn't like them, right? I turned my head and looked at Theo sitting on the swing. He punched his fist in the air, so I assumed he did something good with his game. I turned back to Harry. I was surprised he was still there.

"Do you still love my mom?" I asked.

"That's a stupid question," he chuckled. "But yes, I do. Very much."

The next question I wasn't sure if I should ask. It sounded too...cliche. But it sort of slipped out anyway. "Do you still love me?"

Harry's face became serious. It was like stone. "That's an even dumber question."

"So, no?" I guessed.

"Sydney," he said, his voice softer than his expression. "I do."

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