Imaginary Friend

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"I'm going out tonight," Louis announced, opening the front door. "Edward is in charge. Sydney, stay away from kitchen appliances and the plumbing."

Those were the last words Louis said before he went out with Niall. Thankfully, Niall dropped Theo off at Lou's so I had someone around. Lola had been at her friend's house since two hours beforehand, so I was alone. I had started getting along with her, but I was still paranoid that she was just pretending like everyone else. Well, everyone except Theo.

"So, how's casa de Tomlinson?" Theo asked, plopping down on the couch.

The night before when Lola sat and talked to me had made me feel better about my mom not wanting me around, and the whole Wendy ordeal. And Varana ended up coming over anyway, along with her three brothers, James who's nineteen, Jasper who's seventeen, and Jewel who's sixteen. They didn't even look at me as they passed through the living room and up the stairs, probably to hang out with Edward. I knew the boys hated Wendy and their sister Varana. But no one hated Varana more than Jewel. They were twins and everyone always thought he was just like her. Varana was a bitch, Jewel was polite. Even though he still didn't like me.

"Better than Liam's place." I said, turning the TV on in the living room. I'd been staying in the guest room, but it felt too empty and I didn't like it.

 "Y'know," Theo began, casually throwing his long arms across the back of the couch. "If you get kicked out of here too, you should come stay at uncle Ni's. I don't think my pa would mind me staying over there with him a little longer."

Theo actually lived back in Ireland with his parents, but was staying over with Niall for a bit. He visited his uncle frequently so he could see me. It was nice to know he cared.

"Don't you have college?" I quizzed, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I dropped out." he said, flashing a perfect smile.

I knew he wasn't actually proud of that, he just liked proving me wrong and spiting me. It was his favorite thing to do. That, and laugh when girls through themselves all over him, which was often. He did have a striking resemblance of his uncle, although Theo kept his brown hair. But he still had his blue eyes, his smile, and his body build. Except he was much taller, which I always found funny.

"Do you think you're cute or something?" I scoffed.

"Who doesn't?" he pointed out.

I raised my hand halfway and smirked to myself. I knew he was rolling his eyes next to me, but it was expected.

"Do you want popcorn or something?" I offered, pushing myself off the overstuffed couch. "I think I saw some last night. Although, Wendy or one of the Maliks might've gotten to it."

"We could order pizza too." he said, getting up to follow me while pulling his wallet out.

"Who's ordering pizza?" Wendy asked, appearing in the kitchen. Then she noticed Theo. "Oh, hey, Horan."

Wendy had a really huge thing for Theo, but he wasn't really interested. He thought she tried too hard, I couldn't say I disagreed with him. Not to mention she was whiny and annoying.

"Hey, Wendy." he said, nodding at her.

Wendy hopped up on the counter in her booty shorts and crop top. Not exactly the correct clothing for the current weather in London, but whatever floats her boat, I suppose. I'm not one to judge about the way people dress. Actually, I'm not one to judge at all. I really can't.

"So, can I have some of your pizza, Theo?" she asked, twirling her hair around her index finger.

"Actually, I was buying it for Sydney." he explained, gesturing to me.

Wendy looked me up and down. Her facial expression went from flirty to "what the hell is that smell?" in .05 seconds. It didn't bother me as much as it did when she first realized I wasn't actually completely normal.

"Yes, I know," I sighed, making sure she knew I really didn't care that she didn't like me. "Don't worry, I'm not dating your precious boyfriend. Who, by the way, isn't even interested in you. So can you tell me when your sister is getting back?"

Wendy rolled her eyes, but paid no attention to my comment. Instead, she went straight to answering my question, which actually surprised me. "Georgia gets back from university this weekend."

"No, not Gerogie," I said. "Lola."

"Who?" she asked, looking at me like I had sprouted a second head.

"Lola." I repeated.

"Who the fuck is that?" she asked, sliding off the counter and strutting her way out of the kitchen, back the way she came in.

"What is she talking about?" I wondered, turning to Theo.

"I'd actually like to know who you're talking about," Theo chuckled. "Who's Lola?"

"Lola Tomlinson," I explained. "Louis' youngest daughter."

"Sydney, Louis' youngest daughter is Wendy."

I stared passed Theo's head, not even focusing on anything. I felt like my entire life was a lie. I'd watched Lola grow up, there was no way she was fake. But she was. Lola Anna Tomlinson was all in my head. Figures.

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