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The pocket knife was pressed to his throat, causing Dipper to breathe shallowly and push himself further into the wall. His brown eyes were wide, staring into the grey-ish blue ones of the blond in front of him.

"Why are you in my territory?" the taller male's voice was dark, eyes hard but interest flickering like a candle flame.

"I-I was just passing th-through!" Dipper defended, wincing at how weak his voice sounded. All while a little voice in the back of his mind screamed, 'Not good! Fffffff-Get out! RUN!'

"Why?" the blond asked, lowering the knife and pressing it to the left part of the brunettes collarbone. The skin remained unbroken but it left Dipper apprehensive.

"M-my sister w-went through h-here y-yesterday and sh-she hasn't b-been h-home yet." Dipper stuttered out quickly, closing his eyes tightly.

"Mabel?" the blond inquired, pulling the knife away from Dipper. "Woah, wait! You're Mabel's twin brother. I'm sorry dude, I didn't realize that." the taller stumbled over his words slightly, flipping the pocket knife closed and putting it away.

Dipper opened his eyes and his breathing slowly calmed from the previous shallow and quickly intervals. He waved it off, small smile finding it's way to his lips somehow.

"It's cool, I mean it's fine. Can you tell me if Mabel is alright?" the brunette asked softly, fixing his bangs so his birthmark stayed covered. The movement didn't go unnoticed by the blond but he had no time to react as a female voice rang out from behind him.

"Yup, I'm fine Dip-dots. I see that you've met Bill." Mabel grinned, pushing Bill to the side and messed up her brother's hair quickly. The birthmark pulled Bill's attention, eyes staring at the mark for a while.

"Mabel!" Dipper whined, quickly trying to push his bangs back into place. Bill went to comment on how cool it was before Mabel began to speak.

"Gleeful is about to enter the territory, Bill. I got everyone else to the area but you need to be there with me. It's the rules that Gideon has demanded." her voice was stern, her eyes on Bill. The blond's eyes wondered over to Dipper, sighing slightly.

"We can't let him wonder off alone, Shooting Star. I know you don't want him to get involved but we have to bring him with us." he informed, eyes moving back to the female. She huffed slightly but nodded, grabbing Dipper's arm gently. The three set off as Mabel explained to Dipper what was going on. Dipper just nodded and let her speak.

"Gideon 'rules' the territory to the left of this one. Gideon wants to take this territory so he has to fight Bill because he's the leader of this territory." Mabel said, laughing loudly as Dipper's eyes widened and he sputtered rapidly. Bill turned his head to look at the shorter male, giving him a playful wink.

"Surprised? I'm hurt," the blond commented, a triumphant smirk on his face. Dipper flushed darkly and lowered his head. Bill turned his head to face forward again, smirk slipping from his face when he saw people in a circle. The three pushed their way through the crowd, the twins stopping at the edge of the ring as Bill stepped into the circle. Gideon stood their with his white hair up in it's usual do.

"My, my! Bill Cipher, what a lovely surprise." the albino teen spoke in a southern accent, which Dipper thought was fake. Bill snorted, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the shorter, slightly shorter than Dipper (who reached to just past Bill's shoulders), male move to stand directly in front of him.

"Going to try to take my territory again? I wish you luck, Gideon." the tanner male said, grin in place of his fallen smirk. The other sputtered quickly before composing himself, fixing his suit carefully.

"How about we make this more interesting." Gleeful offered, looking up at Bill and smirking when curiousity flashed over his eyes. He nodded for Gideon to continue, an eyebrow raised slightly.

"We each pick one person from the opposite gang and they fight, whichever gang wins gets the territory." the white haired teen offered, eyes wondering over to Dipper. The brunette's eyes widened as he saw the mischief in the other's stormy grey eyes.

"Right, because I'm an idiot. Dipper isn't in my gang and, even if he was, I wouldn't let him fight." Bill said, chuckling after he spoke. Gideon glared at the blond, eyes filling with anger. Then he lunged, tackling an unsuspecting Dipper to the ground. His arms instantly straightened out, hands gripping Gleeful's shoulders tightly as he kept the other away at arms length. It hurt, the teen's weight causing Dipper's shoulder to press into the gravel under him.

"You can't keep me from your sister!" he shouted, pocket knife colliding with the ground next to Dipper's head. He heard shouting and lpud footsteps around him, providing the brunette with the thoughts of a fight breaking out.

"You crazy freakin' albino! Get off!" Dipper yelled, struggling to throw Gideon off. The other held fast, pulling his knife from the ground and dragging it up Dipper's right arm. He cried out, finally throwing Gideon to the side roughly. He sat up quickly, trying to clamp his left hand over the long gash on his arm. He rushed to his feet, turning to find Bill and Mabel while also keeping an eye out for the insane little monster.

"Dipper, look out!" he heard his sister yell from behind him. He turned around and found himself ducking as knife and arm swung at his head. He stumbled back, eyes wide as he watched Gideon. The other's suit was ruffled and spots were smeared with dirt. Gideon ran at him, knife out to ge side and ready to swipe at Dipper. The brunette wasn't sure on what to do but his left arm swung out, letting go of his right arm. His elbow connected with Gideon face, a cracking sound coming from his nose. The albino teen dropped the pocket knife and held his face as a sunk to his knees.

"Woah!" someone called out, causing Dipper to look away from Gideon and at everyone else. He noticed that most of Gideon's gang was down, a few still fighting. Bill's gang had few down, most of them staring at Dipper and the white haired teen. He became acutely aware of all the eyes on him and tried to shrink in his spot. Mabel appeared by his side, taking his right arm inspecting it.

"I suggest you leave now, Gideon." a dark voice ordered, causing Gideon and his gang to rush to their feet and rush off, Bill's gang chasing after them while hollering.

"You broke his nose," Bill commented as he came over to the twins. He slipped his shirt off easily, ripping it into a few shreds and wrapping them tightly around the deep-ish gash on the boy's arm.

"I-I did?" he murmured softly, looking up at the blond with curious eyes.

"Yeah! I saw that, it was pretty cool! Instinct, bro-bro." Mabel rushed in, causing the two males to laugh. Dipper's was more out of nervousness than actual humor. Bill messed up his hair, grinning down at him and making the teen's cheeks flare up.

"Let's go get your arm checked out." Bill suggested, earning a nod from the other. The three walked away, talking as they went. They were completely oblivious to the stormy grey eyes watching them and loathing them.

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