Punks, Pastels, and Flower Crowns

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"It doesn't matter if you guys are 'punks'! Wear the flower crowns to Pacifica's party, please." Mabel stressed, holding out the recently made flower crowns. Bill reluctantly grabbed his and looked over it. It was made out of golden yellow and pale orange flowers. He glanced up at Mabel and smiled softly, raising the flower crown and placing it on his head carefully. The girl's eyes lit up amd she smiled brightly. Dipper looked over and stiffled a laugh at the sight. Bill's hair was naturally blond but he dyed the undertone black, he had an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow, shark bite piecings on his bottom lip, and earrings going all the way up both lobes of his ears. He wore a black 'My Chemical Romance' t-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans with tears at the knees, and dull yellow and black converse. The flower crown and goofy grin made him look childish, all the puercings looking out of place on him.

"Come on, Pine Tree. I bet you'll look cute with that flower crown on." Bill teased the other male, tugging on one of the shark bites with his teeth out of habit. Dipper flushed as he snatched up his flower crown carefully, setting it on his head. The blood red and light blue flowers contradicted but matched all the same. Dipper was less pierced than Bill with spider bites the the right of his bottom lip, a tongue piercing, and a few earrings going up both lobes of his ears. He wore a simple white t-shirt, black leather jacket that was similar to Bill's, black skinny jeans, and black leather boots. He also wore a beanie, which was being held in his hands since the flower crown occupied his head.

"See, I knew he would look cute with it on." Bill said with a smirk, reaching up and fixing the crown so it was more centered on the brunette's head. Mabel nodded quickly, bouncing in her spot.

"Okay, I'll see you guys there!" Mabel yelled, rushing off to find other people to give flower crowns to.

"Why did I get stuck with a pastel sister?" Dipper murmured, causing Bill to laugh.
"Oh my God! You guys are too cute!" Pacifica yelled, running over to Bill and Dipper. She smiled brightly at them, appreciating the fact that her two punk friends actually wore the flower crowns. Dipper rolled his eyes good-naturedly, giving the girl a hug. Bill grinned and reached up to the crown, messing with it slightly.

"I see the appeal to these now, actually. They look pretty cool." Bill murmured, laughing softly. Dipper looked back at him and smiled, hitting his friend in the arm gently.

"Of course, being a punk is pretty cool too. Maybe you and Mabel can dress up as punks sometime and Dipper and I can dress up as pastels." the blond offered. Pacifica paused before nodding quickly.

"Yeah, that would be fun! Are you in, Dipper?" she asked him, smiling warmly. Dipper stayed quiet before nodding slowly.

"I think that would be fun, too." he replied back, messing with his jacket slightly.
The next weekend the four teens found themselves at the mall, the girls helping the boys get their pastel look and the boys helping the girls get their punk look. The girls wore fake piercings since they didn't want to actually get piercings and the boys had help from the girls to get the pierced holes covered for the day.

"I feel weird," Dipper mumbled, looking down at his bright clothes. He felt exposed since he wasn't wearing a jacket. He was wearing a pale pink shirt, light blue jeans, and baby blue converse. The color scheme didn't make sense to him but Mabel and Pacifica insisted that it was fine.

"Of course you do, you also look really cute." Bill teased, wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist. The blond wore a warm yellow t-shirt, white jeans, and pale orange converse to match the orange on his flower crown.

"Shut up," Dipper huffed, blushing lightly. Mabel and Pacifica skipped in front of the two and posed. Mabel wore a dark gray 'Black Viel Brides' t-shirt, black leather jacket, dark gray jeans with rips going up and down the front of them(not all the way up, stopping at mid-thigh), and black converse. Pacifica's outfit was similar except all black.

"Woah," the boys said at the same time, blinking at the two. The girls burst into laughter, fixing their peircings. Pacifica's mimicked Dipper's and Mabel's mimicked Bill's, which made the girls look pretty intimidating.

"You guys look so adorable! Look at them, Pac, they are so cute!" Mabel squealed, grabbing Bill's face and squished it. Bill grumbled, letting go of Dipper and grabbing the female teen's hands.

"Can we just go to the park now?" Bill murmured, prying Mabel's hands from his face. She laughed and nodded. Since they had already payed and all they left, walking to the park peacefully.
"Hey, Pine Tree, there's something I want to talk to you about." Bill spoke softly, granning Dipper's arm gently. The brunette looked back at him, smiling softly.

"What's up?" he asked, turning to face the blond. Before Bill could speak it started to sprinkle on them. Mabel and Pacifica stayed on the swings, waving at the boys to show that it didn't matter.

"I um...Well," Bill started, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. Dipper looked up at him confusedly, the rain starting to fall harder.

"I...Let me show you," the other said softly, moving his hands to hold the brown eyed teen's face. The smaller blushed darkly, eyes widening slightly. Bill leaned down and pressed his lips to the other's. Dipper reacted quickly, closing his eyes and grabbing the fromt of Bill's shirt. After what felt like forever they pulled their lios away, panting quietly. They stared at each other before thet heard a set of giggles.

"Caption: 'Punks turned pastel, kissing in the rain'." Mabel giggled more as Pacifica posted the picture to Instagram.

"Anyways, let's get you two lovebirds home so you don't catch colds." Mabel said after she got her giggling under control. Bill and Dipper flushed darkly but nodded, letting the girls lead the way.

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