Be My Vanilla Twilight

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Dipper smiled softly at the picture that Bill had sent him. It was a picture of a clear night sky with hundreds of stars shinning brightly. He typed a reply quickly, looking up at the night sky above himself.

Dipper: I am so jealous of your camera's quality.
Bill: My camera's quality is so jealous of your adorableness.

Dipper rolled his eyes at that message and glanced at the sky again. He smiled brightly when he saw something and quickly started to type.

Dipper: Do you see it? Look up!
Bill: The Big Dipper! You should totally send me a pic of you flaunting your birthmark now.
Dipper: I will tomorrow, I promise. I want to stay out here till the sun starts to rise.
Bill: I do too.

Dipper sighed softly, looking up at the sky and thought about the last time Bill had been with him. It had been around a year ago and they were lying outside of the Mystery Shack. They had been holding hands and staring up at the stars peacefully.

Bill: I wish you were here, Pine Tree. I was just thinking about the last time we were together.
Dipper: I was too!
Bill: I miss you.
Dipper: I miss you too.
Bill: This is our last year of high school, I'm packing all my stuff on the last day and putting it all in my truck. Then I'll drive straight to you right after school.
Dipper: Don't you want to say 'goodbye' to your parents?

Dipper snorted as he imagined the face Bill probably made.

Bill: Hell no.
Dipper: Haha, I know. I'll be waiting right outside the Mystery Shack for you.
Bill: Make a wish!
Dipper: What?
Bill: Look up!

The brunet looked up and his eyes widened as a shooting star crossed over the sky. His closed his eyes and smiled softly, making a wish.

Dipper: I made my wish, did you?
Bill: Yup!
Dipper: I hope my wish comes true.
Bill: I hope both of our wishes come true.
Dipper ran down the steps of the porch and ran to the truck that just parked. A blond hurried out of the car and slammed the door shut. Dipper bounced in his spot a few feet in front of the person. The blond smiled warmly as they looked over the brunet.

"You're back," Dipper whispered breathlessly.  The other male smiled brighter and strode forward, pulling the smaller into a tight hug. The brunet hugged back tightly, hiding his face in the other's neck.

"I missed you, Pine Tree."

"I missed you more, Bill." Dipper said, quickly lifting his head and grabbed Bill's face gently. Bill wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist gently, pulling him into a deep kiss.

"My wish came true." the brunet whispered to Bill softly when they broke from the kiss.

I wish for Bill to come back safely.
"I do." Bill breathed out softly, his eyes on Dipper the entire time. The brunet smiled brightly when the officiant said the words he had been waiting for.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you married. You may kiss the husband."

"Gladly," Bill whispered under his breath but Dipper heard him. The brunet blushed lightly and laughed softly when Bill pulled him close. The blond kissed him gently and applauds broke out around them. They pulled their lips away and smiled softly at each other.
That night Bill and Dipper laid together on a blanket out in a field.

"You know how you and I met under the stars?" Bill asked softly, intertwining their fingers together gently. Dipper pulled his gaze from the sky and looked at his husband.

"Yeah, what about it?" the brunet asked curiously.

"When we die I want it to be under the stars too. I want to go out the same way we came in." Bill whispered, looking up at the stars again. Dipper turned and looked at the stars as well, smiling softly.

"Yeah, I want that too."

"I also want you to know that," Bill started, rolling over and straddling Dipper's waist. The brunet blushed darkly at the position, staring up at the blond above him.

"My wish came true too." he finished, leaning down and capturing the brunet's lips in a passionate kiss.

I wish for Dipper to be mine forever.
Here's a sappy little one-shot for everyone that wants it.

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