Shut Up Cas

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"Dean, this music is unnecessarily loud don't you think?" Castiel said, quite well knowing what Dean's reaction would be; absolute ignorance.

Dean rolled his eyes and kept drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, humming along to a song that Cas, for the life of him, tried to enjoy but severely struggled to.

"Dean, how much longer will we be seated in this moving confinement?"

The angel was feeling a little restricted and the obnoxiously loud music that violated his ears did not help is current state at all.

Dean leant forward to look out the windshield, searching for road signs that would indicate their whereabouts.

After spotting one, Dean chuckled to himself.

"We still got another two hours on our tails buddy boy."

Cas sighed and tried to relax into the seat a bit more, rolling his shoulders back and 'cracking' his neck from side to side.
It didn't help, but it was a human mannerism that he had picked up on greatly while spending time with the Winchesters, joining them on hunts here and there.

The rest of the trip was somewhat silent, apart from the rock music that Castiel tried very hard to drown out.


"Have there been any other cases like this in the past sheriff?" asked 'special agent' Dean.

"Uhhh, no. This the first time the department has ever seen anything like this....I mean five missing in less than week! It's bizarre!" replied the sheriff.

Dean huffed a small smile and nodded, not quite knowing how to respond to the sheriff's strange enthusiasm.

"Well agents," the sheriff continued, alternating his vision between Cas and Dean, "if there's anything else you need to know, it'll all be in this file."

The man handed the file to Cas. The angel took it from his hand and looked up at the sheriff.

"Thank you, so much." Cas said, with an enormous amount of gratefulness. Too much gratefulness that in fact, it sounded like he was being facetious, which was definitely not the case as the angel had no grip, whatsover, on sarcasm.

Dean rolled his eyes to himself as the sheriff nodded at Cas in a 'I-think-you're-weird-but-I'm-going-to-be-polite-anyway" sort of fashion and walked off.

After briefly looking through the file, Cas turned to Dean.

"So what do we do now that we've found out what we already knew?"

Dean sighed.


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