The Older Brother

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"I'm telling you Dean, there's something there worth looking at," Sam demanded.

"Alright, fine!" Dean said, pissed.

It wasn't that he disagreed with Sam, but he had just settled down with a cold beer and burger; he really didn't feel like working a case.

The older brother sighed.

"I'll call Cas down and we'll check it out while you stay here and get some rest," Dean announced.

Sam looked up at Dean, a baffled expression attached to his face.

"Dean, I'm coming with you," he began but was immediately cut off by Dean shaking his head vigorously, putting up his hand to silence his younger brother.

"Look man, those trials did a number on you, and yeah I know you've been resting up a lot lately and that's great and all, but you're still not 100%," Dean said.

"When am I ever 100%?" Sam questioned.

As much as he tried to hide it, Sam could tell that Dean was trying his hardest to think of a witty comeback. After waiting ridiculously long for his brother to reply, Sam interrupted Deans agonising literary search.

"Dean look, it's too dangerous going on your own, I gotta go with you," he said.

"God dammit Sam! I'm not gonna be on my own am I?" Dean said, an angry but mocking tone lingering in his words.

Sam studied at Dean, questioning if his brother was being serious or not. But with full realisation that Dean was just not going to let him tag along, Sam finally sighed in defeat and slumped back into his chair. Dean nodded, smiled to himself in approval and began to call Castiel. He tightly shut his eyes; something that just always seemed to happen when he prayed to his angel friend.

"Cas!? Hey buddy, we got a situation down here, so you're gonna have to help us on this one" Dean said, opening one eye to look around.

No sign of trench coat and/or angel.

"Caaaas get your ass down here." Dean tried again.

The familiar soft fluttering of angel wings echoed throughout the room.

"Hello Dean," Castiel said in a gruff voice. He shifted his vision towards the other brother.

"Sam," he greeted.

"Hey Cas," the boys said in borderline unison.

"What is it?" Castiel asked, looking extremely concerned.

"Ah well," Dean began, eyeing Sam, "there's been 5 missing persons in less than a week in Ohio, Sam....and I, for that matter, are thinking it's definitely something worth checking out," Dean said.

"O-Okay...but I - I still don't understand, why would you call me down?" Cas questioned, titling his head in confusion.

"Well Sammy here needs to rest up, you know with the trials and all, and so he's gonna stay here in the bunker. Now he also thinks that it would be too risky going to Ohio on my own, and so I need some company to take" Dean said.

Castiel shifted his head up right again as he understood what was needed.

Dean smiled and clasped his hands together.

"Huh so what do you say Cas, you wanna tag along and help me out?"Dean said, a twinkle in his eye.

The angel sighed and indicated his agreement.

"Alright sweet, lets get going," Dean said slapping Sam on the back.

"Won't be long little brother. Rest up."

Sam rolled his eyes and made his way to the couch. Dean turned to Cas.

"Boy I hope you like long car rides," Dean said smirking.

The angel looked at Dean with a small sense of confusion.

"Dean, not to question your intelligence but, wouldn't it be easier if I were to just take us both there, without the need for your vehicle," he said.

"Yeah Cas, I get that zappin' us straight to Ohio would be great, but you gotta remember, I gotta take my gear with me aswell," Dean replied.

"What gear?"

"My gear Cas! You know, guns, salt,, the essentials." Dean said, a hint of self amusement dancing on his tongue and a smile growing on his lips.

Sam rolled his eyes.

"You know Dean it wasn't that funny," Sam interrupted.

"Shut up I'm hilarious."

"What was hilarious?" Cas questioned with honesty.

Dean sighed.

"You know what everybody shut up," Dean pointed to Cas.

"You! We're taking the car, end of discussion."

Cas raised his hands up in defensive agreement.


Dean turned to Sam and a smug grin retuned to his face.

"See ya Sammy!" he yelled loudly, making his way to the garage.

"Bye sam" Castiel said with sympathy linguring behind his words.

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