Stop breathing

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This was the hardest scene to watch for Gabby. Kelly was almost on Matt's chest, trying to revive him, Hermann was on his face and was blowing air into his mouth to fill his lungs. Totally panicking, she passed through the hole and came in front of Kelly. Ferraris passed the medical bags to Hermann and Gabby passed in paramedic mode in no time.


But nobody answered. She put two fingers on his carotid and asked again.


Severide couldn't answer. He didn't hear anything, didn't see anything. He was just massaging Matt's chest, mumbling without understanding.

"Hermann, time?"

Hermann, still in shock, looked at his watch, but saw that it was broken.

"I-I... I don't know... I really don't know. The tank was almost red and... And he stopped breathing shortly before it was empty. We put him on it just after the last contact with Tony."

Tony checked his watch. It was working.

"Gabby? Seven minutes."

Gabby's face darkened as she searched in the medical bag. She took out a large dose of epinephrine, while Hermann took the balloon and put it on Matt's face.

"Come on lieutenant, come on..."

Severide was continuing CPR, even though Gabby needed him to stop to inject epinephrine in Matt's body.

"Kelly... KELLY! STOP!"

He startled and continued while looking at Gabby. She showed him the syringe and he understood. He painfully stopped and placed his shaking hands on his knees and watched Gabby get to work. She palpated the area then inserted the needle directly into his heart and injected the precious liquid. With one hand, she continued CPR and put again her fingers on his carotid.

"Come on Matt, come on..." she whispered.

But nothing. Nothing at all. Hermann was continuing to bulge, Severide to shiver and to stay still, Gabby to do a CPR with one hand.

"Kelly, take your place again."

He wiped the tears coming down his cheeks and worked on Matt's chest again.

"Come on Matt, please..."

She took another dose and injected it again in his heart as Severide continued CPR.


Gabby and Severide couldn't hold their tears, not anymore. This was too hard for them. After what they experienced, what they faced, this was unfair.

"Matt, don't leave me, please. I can't raise our child without you! This would be too hard..."

She closed her eyes, inspected his carotid again to find a pulse, but still nothing.

"Gabby...", Hermann began.


She shook her head, took another dose of epinephrine and did the same process again.

"Come on Matt, come on! DAMN COME ON!"

Tears flew freely. This couldn't be true. Not Matt, not HER Matt, not the future dad of her child... And suddenly, it was just weak, but Gabby felt something under her fingers. It was weak, but it was there.

"Got a pulse!"

Kelly and Hermann let out a breath of relief. Matt still didn't move, but at least he was alive.

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