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Chapter. 2

I finished the chicken and cornbread that Kim made everyone. I put my plate in the sink and went to go sit with Kanye, Kim, North, and Penelope at the small breakfast nook that Momma Kris had.

"Hi." Penelope waved at me, her white, sparkling teeth showed.

"Hi, Pen'!" I smiled at her, I hadn't seen the kids in forever. If Kourtney would ever come see me it would only be her. Penelope got off the seat, walked over to me, and sat on my lap, "Okay then, just sit down." I giggled at her.

Penelope laughed at me, "Oh is that funny?" I asked while tickling her, "Is that funny?" Penelope was laughing so loud that her voice echoed through the house. "Stop it." She smiled at me.

I looked at Kanye and Kim who were both smiling at me. "You know Char, you would make a great mother," Kim told me while picking at her chicken.

"Thank you." I smiled at her. Having kids was always a dream of mine, but I was nowhere near ready to have one.

"Are you planning on having kids?" Kourtney came over with a plate of food and sat down next to me. She dragged Reign, who was in a high chair, next to her.

"Yea," I nodded my head, "But not any time soon. Probably like in my thirties I'd start wanting kids." I played with Penelope's long brown hair. Mason walked up to the table and stole a piece of Kourtney's food from her plate and smiled.

"Slick kid," I nodded at Mason, "Slick."

"Well, let me tell you. It's crazy when you have kids, you would never believe that you could love something so much," Kourtney told me, rubbing Mason's head and messing up his hair.

"Who's down for swimming?" Kylie asked everyone as she walked into the big, grand, kitchen.

"Me!" Penelope and North yelled out in unison. Kourtney got up from the breakfast nook. I picked up Penelope off of my lap, put her down onto the floor, and slid my way out.

"Well, I guess I'll go," Kim said as she got up from the padded cushion.

"I'll go with Pen. Mom, will you watch Reign?" Kourtney asked Momma Kris, she was sitting at the island with Khloe and Tyga.

"Sure. I'd love to watch my honey," Kris agreed, got off of her bar stool, and sat with Reign.

"Here," Kylie threw something at me, I caught it and looked at it. It was a black one piece swimsuit, "I was guessing that all of yours were in boxes."

I thanked Kylie and walked over to talk to Khloe and Tyga at the island. They were just talking and playing on their phones.

"You guys not going swimming?" I asked them, Khloe looked up at me and said, "I'm not, I don't know about this kid." Khloe said pointing to Tyga with her thumb.

"I don't really want to," Tyga rubbed his hand over his face, "But I'll go if the boss wants me too."

"Tyga, let's go swimming!" Kylie yelled from the patio. She was already in her swimsuit waiting for everyone else to hurry up.

"That's your cue," I said to Tyga while I laughed. I turned around and walked into the bathroom to change. I took off all of my clothes, and put on the black one piece swimsuit.

When I was finished getting changed, I walked out into the hallway. Khloe looked at me from the kitchen with her eye's wide open.

"Damn girl," She awed at me, I shook my head and laughed at her.

I walked out to the patio, Kim, Kourtney, Kylie, Tyga, Penelope, North, and Mason were all in the pool. Kanye and Saint were sitting on the patio chairs watching everyone swimming.

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