| question and answer |

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Let's get to answering some questions.



Question: Would you ever considering get back together with Chris??

Answer:  Maybe........👀👀

Question: How many children do you want with the right one?

Answer: Overall I want 5 kids, mine or not.



Question: So you ever regret what you did to Charlotte?

Answer: This is going to sound mad cheesy, but there's not a day I don't want to throw my hand in a blender that's on, because of what I did to Charlotte.

Question: Get with Charlotte.

Answer: She can hit me up at anytime💯😩


Question:  You're a asshole

Answer: Okay then........

Question: Can you stay away from Charlotte and Chris. Thank you.

Answer: There's a Charlotte and Chris??

Question: Why are you so naive?

Answer: I'm done answering these questions *leaves the room*


Question: How do you such a nice booty🍑

Answer: Girl you know I do those squats

Question: Would you ever name a lip kit after Charlotte

Answer: I might be working on one. Don't tell her though💄

Question: Why are you so gorgeous?

Answer: I think you should ask my mom why she makes gorgeous kids😂😍. But thank you love😉💙


Question: How many more kids do you want with Kylie?

Answer: I want to have 5 more kids with Kylie, and we gonna get the baby making train going soon😏😉


Question: How are you so cool?

Answer: I just keep it Kanye Fresh💯

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