The Day Before the Ball Game

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"We don't come together before something goes wrong because we are tired of fighting. No, You only get tired of fighting when you have already lost who you are, lost those you've loved. We come together because we are tired and scared of being alone. It's funny, how in the end the first fear we ever have, a baby who can't see his mom, a boy lost in a toy store, how that could end up being the last fear we have as well; being alone."


Entire Group's POV

The SUV's drive home was one of mostly silence, the only conversation occurring in the last 10 minutes of it's trip.

Noel looked out the window and sighed, "So, you think they're gonna wonder where we went?"

"Does it matter? They all can just walk out without asking, so why can't we? Plus we got some helluva good stuff. You know the others will figure it out when they see the particulars of what we have, right?"

Noel sat back in her seat and looked down at herself, "What do you think I should name it?"

"Well, what if it's a girl? Alexis? Or maybe Catherine?" Amber slowed the car as she pulled up to the house. From it Jack walked out, with a look lacking his normal comedic grin.

Instead was a cold, hard face, arms locked in place like a statue. He had been waiting there awhile.

Amber sighed, "Well here we go. Let's listen to him complain." She got out of the car first, looking at her semi-blood covered hands. Noel scowled and soon followed, watching her feet stepping against the concrete, avoiding Jack's blazing stare.

"So..." Jack spoke, his voice deepened and lacking any other emotion besides anger, "You three have fun?"

"We had a blast, kicked some ass, got a cute top for pregnant women, it was a really great baby shower." Amber met his cold glare with a sarcastic one of her own.

Jack sighed and rubbed his hands through his hair, trying to calm down, "Tell me aaallll about it." As Amber started to speak, he glared and cut her off, "I wasn't talking to you. Noel, tell me."

"We may have ran into some guys. Khan was with them." It was clear as Jack twitched at the remembrance of Khan that he was far past the point of simple anger.

"It wasn't anything we couldn't handle!" Noel yelled at him, stepping up into his face, "Why are you even being like this??" Jack stood silently.

"Say something God dammit!! You know for a fucking fact I can take care of myself with or without a baby in me!"

At this point the commotion had brought the rest of the group out front, all concerned about the sounds that they were hearing. Thomas was the first to make it out.

"Oh boy you guys are finally back. For a second I thought Jack was literally going to stand there motionless for the entire day."

"Fuck off mate..." Jack said staring back at Thomas.

"Amber, he said a bad word." Bailey stood next to Amber, holding her bloody hand, as if she didn't even notice.

"Wait, A baby?" Allison looked at Noel with surprise in her eyes, "No don't tell me, you're...pregnant?"

"Oh fuck this..." Jack thought to himself, groaning at the sound of the other's voices.

"Jack listen I think you're over reacting. I mean, look!" Thomas said motioning at Noel and Amber, "They're fine! Nothing bad happened that they couldn't deal with! You're probably actually mad because they didn't want to bring you along. Come on I'm right aren't I?" Thomas asked smiling, expecting Jack to drop the act he believed he was playing. Jack glared at Thomas, his stare like bullets putting holes through him. Thomas' smile disappeared and backed away.

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