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"There will be killing till the score is paid." -Odysseus

The Batter's POV

"Lemme tell you a's a very sad and lonely story but a story none the less. I used to be a normal person (like you) but, like most things, nothing ever likes to stay the same. Now you might be asking yourself, 'Why are you telling me this?'. Well why not? It's not like anything really truly ever matters anymore. But I like to feel like they do, so shut the fuck up. Anyway, I was normal like you. I had a nice family (a mom, a brother) and we all lived together happily. But then the virus happened. Me and my bro had to leave our home, find a new one. Somewhere that was safe. Somewhere that we knew we could be okay again....

It's been 6 months since I've seen him...

I know he's probably dead...

And I've accepted this fact...

So I decided to change my life. No more being the world's bitch. In this world it's live or die, and I intend to live at any means necessary, even if it means becoming a monster to do it. But you know what? Being the monster is fucking great. The power you feel deep inside you, just flows out. All your pent up aggression, all your rage, all your desires; you can just let them all out here. When you're a monster, you just feel like everything flows with you. I'll kill someone just because I feel like it, and no one can tell me not to, or else I'd kill them too. You know it's really quite amazing actually. The freedom you get when you lose all morals and humanity. I don't care if a Hell waits for me, I'll dive head first in the pit and spit in the devil's face. Because in this world, I am the devil.

And if anyone ever sees me or my gang of fellow monsters, they better run and run hard. Because I'm the best when it comes to hitting homers and getting someone out. So, now that I've told you a little bit about myself, I guess it's time for our talk to end. I'm a busy man and have a rough schedule. I gotta find some fucks who killed some of my guys. Blew their asses sky high and ran them over. Damn shame...anyway I'm gonna give you a choice. How do you wanna be killed?

Betsy...or Wrath?"

The Batter walked out of the room. wiping the blood off of Betsy. He was in a bad mood today. She had left during the night, right out of his bed. He had felt her move and get out of the bed but thought nothing of it, due to the fact she always liked to leave when he was asleep. But, this time she didn't come back. He heard about some of his boys trying to chase her down without his order, so he executed the one who made it back alive. He didn't see what type of car she had gotten in, so The Batter deemed him useless.

"Oh well," he thought as he slid his bat into the holster on his back, "I'll find Alison."

Oh Alison; the thought of her name made him cringe. How dare she leave him, after he gave her everything. And it was all in exchange for her safety and his needs. Sure sometimes he got frustrated with her, but he wouldn't dare lay a hand on Alison like the others. She was special, but obviously needed to learn her place. He let out a condescending sigh as he walked out of the trailer he called his home. The Batter looked around the camp, watching everyone as they worked. Loading guns, working on their cars, preparing the food. They had made their base at Victory Field, under the command of The Batter of course, and had been there for at least half a month.

The Batter sighed as a man in a blue hoodie ran over to him.

"S-Sir...I've got a message from The Butcher. He's not happy with us."

"Throw it in the trash I don't wanna hear what that freak has to say."

The man nodded nervously and ran off. The day went on as usual from there, until the routine scouting around their territory.

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