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It's so simple, I know, a little drawing, thought to have so much potential in the beginning. I am one person, not a million voices. I can't paste this picture on your brains dashboard, or a list in your reminders space for future reference when you feel awful.
Sticks and stones,
May break my bones,
But words will never hurt me.
As if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called. And we got called them all.
Everyone deals with this pain. I can't convince you to believe me, I don't have references or sientifical studies to prove my point.
But I have a voice, one that asks those going through the pain I illustrated, to remember those who will miss you.though many may not know you, many would miss you if they did. Something may begin with so much potential, but a small mistake will lead you to believe there is no going back. It's true. Not everything is reversible, but a broken voice can. A voice that sings of peace and beauty can easily be drowned out by those with opinions different from yours. I am one voice, that cannot stand alone in a crowd of people who call out others differences, without looking at their own. You, are another voice. One that may be shattered. But there are people willing to pick up the pieces. I can't do a lot of things. One of those things bieng that i am not able to change everyone's mind. I cannot fix a broken heart like someone else may be able to do. But I can speak for those who have lost their voices to people with louder ones.
But I am one voice.
Yours is another.
I don't start peace but I don't end it. I can't greet you all one by one and explain how amazingly awesome, intelligent, beautiful, and graceful you are in your own way, but you can see it. Tag some people, inspire some people, talk with some people! Write your own inspirational speech-y thing!
I am one voice. You are one voice.
Make an army of voices loud enough to rule over the voices of hatred some may not be powerful enough to speak over.
Be the voice that ends the war, not starts it.

Be the voice that ends the war, not starts it

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Just my art, nothing special.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora