Art trad es an d su f f eri ng

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  tyjosexual   I didn't have available colors for the horns but here's your character! I didn't want to screw it up so I didn't do the full body I'm so rr y

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tyjosexual I didn't have available colors for the horns but here's your character! I didn't want to screw it up so I didn't do the full body I'm so rr y

  tyjosexual   I didn't have available colors for the horns but here's your character! I didn't want to screw it up so I didn't do the full body I'm so rr y

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A friend for the BOI!

An evil foot
Why was that a request

AndAn evil footApparently WhyWhy was that a request

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it's got teeth and a communist symbol

Also, although not very interesting I have made a new species of animal ;o;
It's like a zootopia kind of civilization with lion-like characters. The concept of them is jut super grey, black, or pale skin, fur, feathers or scales. The only color is in their tears blood and eyes. So  im apparently obsessed with them. I need h e l p. I made sketches and i FEEL horrible because I'm going to get attached to something only I have an interest in rip

the idea is that the creatures have  things like horns and larger teeth, multiple eyes, pretty much anything crazy or alienated like that

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the idea is that the creatures have  things like horns and larger teeth, multiple eyes, pretty much anything crazy or alienated like that. And APPARENTLY according to my wacky self they have hidden anger and powerful sides that are unleashed whenever they have strong feelings and emotions. 


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Abby9387079 I couldn't color or finalize it but here's your dog

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Abby9387079 I couldn't color or finalize it but here's your dog

Abby9387079 I couldn't color or finalize it but here's your dog

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Just my art, nothing special.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora