15 facts because i was tagged

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1. I love glitter, all glitter, every glitter.
2. I live In a community with an u fairly large population of sexists
3. I breathe memes
4. Irl I obsess over spelling and grammar, but on Wattpad and texting I am free to spell anything wrong
5. I own a meteorite

a bit of one, that is

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a bit of one, that is.
6. I get freaked out when people stop talking to me and I blame myself
7. I dislike chocolate
8. Almost Nobody in my school believes I can be anything but a paranoid artist
9. I want to play sports but they tell me I cant
10. I'm not very nice around people I don't know yet
11. Satisfied is my favorite Hamilton song
12. I'm probably younger than you think I am if you don't know me or havent met me In person
13. I'm paranoid that I will one day hurt someone's feelings by something I say or write 
14. I like designing clothing
15. I love making clothing, small clothing pieces.

made this a WHILE back but it's an exampleI try to make cute things like this but they're hard for meOk! Thanks for reading! Newtons cradles are fun

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made this a WHILE back but it's an example
I try to make cute things like this but they're hard for me
Ok! Thanks for reading!
Newtons cradles are fun

Just my art, nothing special.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora