Chapter 1 ♪♫

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For my Partner in Crime && Favorite cousin!!  XOXO

~~  ☆My first story ☆ ~~ It is R for a reason so if you don't read that stuff stop now... Ya have been warned.  ~~ Get over it... back button up there, press it.  :)) ☆ ~~

Here I sit once again, in trouble.  Go figure. Note the sarcasm there.  This damned man just doesn't get it, I could care less about this school, so what I flipped off that stupid ass jock.  Oh wait, this jack-ass does.  I mean come on, I could have knocked him out for that crap, he slapped my ass.  Of course, perfect timing, no one saw him do it, just me as I sent the bird flying.  It's bad enough these 'uniforms' are too short to cover anything.  Not that I'm a prude but, come on man, the wind blows too strong and these pervs might see my lacy undies.  Hey, now I know what you're thinking, why wear them, but a girl needs to feel sexy, right?  Off topic there... I'm waiting to see the new headmaster for the fifth time this year, hoping to not get another detention.  If I get one more then my mom will not be happy, but this was not my fault.  

"Emma, Come in here please,"  Mr. Stories announced, opening his door, finally.  Ahhh, here goes nothing.

"Have a seat.  I will be right back."  Oh great.  I've already been waiting for thirty minutes and it is Friday.  Looking around at the now familiar office, everything is the same as last time.  It's a decent sized room; a large desk sits towards the back with a medium, black leather chair behind it.  It's actually neat in here, the old headmaster was a messy old man.  I decide to sit back and close my eyes, I wait, just thinking about how the hell I'm going to get out of this one when the door opens.  Not bothering to open my eyes, I heard Mr. Stories drop something on his desk and sit.  Tapping my foot, I wait for him to say something, before I bother opening my eyes.  "Well, since I'm boring you to sleep Emma, don't drool on the chair."  With that, I look up to see Mr. Stories smirk.  "What," I ask.  Mr. Stories clears his throat before speaking, "You're awake, good.  Now, am I going to ask what was that scene in my halls earlier?"  "That loser smacked my ass.  You should be happy I didn't slap that ugly face of his," I roughly told him.  He studies my face for a minute, while I look into those bright blue eyes of his thinking once again, 'He is too sexy to have this job.'  "While that was unseen, I did see you flip off Mr. Chase.  Emma, you have been in here quite a few times already, this year.  I see the four detentions you've had have not deterred you.  Yet, suspending you is just a vacation from here."  Damn,  why can't he just be old and say 'to hell with it,' give me a break.  Figures!  "So seeing as you need a stricter punishment, you have two options.  You will have two weeks of detention, and your mother will be informed or, as per our school policy, you can receive ten licks with a paddle."  WHAT!  This is why I fucking hate private school.  Who does that crap!!  "The decision is yours, Emma."  Oh no, no, no.  My mom cannot find out about another detention.  "I will take the ten."  He raises an eye brow at me, must he really be this hot?  "My mom would hurt me more than the paddle.  I maybe 18 already but, she is scary."  He laughs at this.


Mr. Stories stand and picks up a wooden paddle off of his desk.  That must of been what he dropped a few minutes ago.  It's not too large or thick.  I still think shit this is gonna hurt.  Mr. Stories motions for me to stand and move to the side of his desk.  I can't quite make out the look on his face but his eyes look a little brighter blue than before.  They almost look excited to do this. Weird.  I stand at the end of his desk and cross my arms under my breast.  I notice that he licks his lips and looks just a minute too long at my chest.  I can feel heat rise in my cheeks.  Once again that damn smirk returns to his mouth.  That oh so edible mouth of his, mentally slapping myself I try to focus on not thinking of him like that.  Mr. Stories steps closer to me while saying  "Emma, I want you to count each lick."  Really.  What the hell man.  "Whatever" I mumble at him.  *Smack*  Ohh.  "What was that Emma."  "One."  That wasn't so bad I think too soon.  *Smack*  I breath in hard.  "Emma."  "Two."  *Smack*  He hits just a little harder.  "Three."  *Smack*  "Four."  *Smack*  I falter in my stance having to spread my feet apart and wince at that one.  "Emma." He says in a husky tone.  "Hummm... Five."  *Smack*  I feel tears in my eyes and grab his desk.  "Six." I breath as he but a hand on my lower. *Smack*  "Seven."  I close my eyes and whimper.  *Smack*  I bounce up to my toes and feel more that just the pain.  "Eight."  *Smack*  I'm breathing heavy and am feel heat at my core.  "Em."  I can't think clearly. "Umm.  Umm.  Nine."  *Smack*  The tears spill over and I am burning up right now.  "Ten."  I barely breath out feeling too many emotion.  My face was now on his desk as I feel my knees go weak.  Before I fell to the ground I felt strong arm picking me up gently sitting me in his lap.  I look up at him giving me a small smile only to realize that really close to his face in this position.  I blush once again in the last twenty minutes looking away.  "Shhh.  That's a good girl.  It's okay."  I only now realize how turned on at this I am.  What the hell is going on.

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