i. Childish

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"Omo! Oppa! Red velvet cupcake!"

Yeri pointed at the glass mirror at the cashier area where the cupcake was placed while jumping.

Jungkook don't know what to do. He just wants to buy a creamy latte coffee because their getting late at their class now. He sighed.


Yeri looked at him with a wide smile.


"We're on a hurry, Ms. Lim would be mad at us again."  Jungkook explained to her in a calm voice.

He knows that when he explained it to yeri, she wouldn't mind getting disappointed or being mad but, it does now.

"But i want this! Its been a weeks since they've bake again a red velvet cake. And all i want is to taste it again! Why wouldn't you give me what i want?!" Yeri stomping her feet in annoyance.

Jungkook was very conscious on their surroundings right now. All the people at the cafe was looking and whispering something. He hates it. He hates being on everyone's attention. He don't want being on a topic especially when the topic on everyone's mind was not good.

"You always being like that! I hate you!" Yeri shouted near out of her lungs.

That's it. He can't take this anymore. He drags yeri out of the cafe and walk fast to a mini playground that no one would mind playing in this hour.

He put down yeri's wrist once their in that place and face her in a serious look.

"Why did you do that?!" He asked.

"D-Did what?"

Yeri stuttered in nervous. She don't like seeing him in this kind of look. She's afraid. She also knowns that once Jungkook took the things seriously at the same time in his mad way, it can't faded easily. Especially, this time it was her fault.

Jungkook ruffled his hair in annoyance "Aish!"

She looked down, on her shoes. Preventing to cry in tears.

"Mianhe.." She said while finally sobbing.

Jungkook glance at her. 'She cried?' He thought to himself.

"Go, make your way at our school." He said while looking at the car passing by.

Yeri looked up him. "W-Waeyo? How about you?"

"I'm not going."


"Just go!"

Yeri jumped in shock. She obeyed what he said and that is to go and attend their class.

"Irene bae!"


"Kim Taehyung!"


"Kim Yerim!"


"Jeon Jungkook!"

Yeri stop writing and says that Jungkook was absent and doing important things to do right now.

"Psst! Yeri!" Taehyung whispered


"I don't believe that he's doing an important things. Where's kookie?"

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