CHAPTER 1 : Intro

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I woke up at 9AM from the sound of the alarm going off, I checked my emails for any news about the secret project I was working on but I have found none, so I jumped out of bed and took a shower which felt really refreshing and when I came to grab my phone I found a message from my old friend Conor.

I wasn't really surprised that he has reached out for me since he already has a couple of months ago asking to shoot a video together but I told him that I had a lot going on with my meet and greet tour and didn't have a lot of free time, but now I do, so I'm really excited to see him again.


"Heyy Claire!! It's been a long time and really miss you!! I have just heard that you have finished your tour and it would be great if you could come over to the apartment to hangout and maybe do a video together at my channel? I have really cool and exciting ideas."


"Conor!! I miss you too as well and yes I have finally finished my tour! I would love to come over and do a video as well as hanging out! Is tomorrow okay? xx"

I put my phone in my pocket and went to eat some breakfast, I was really craving some oatmeal at the moment so I had some. It was really nice to hear from Conor and finally see him again after all this time. I heard my phone ding and so I pulled it out to see that Conor has replied back:


"Yeah! 100% I'll be free all day. I can't wait to see you again :) I'll send you the address"

He sent me the address and since Rosie is my roommate and best friend I couldn't wait to tell he. I ran upstairs and sat In her bed while she did her makeup.

"Hey do you remember Conor?!"

"Ummm, the guy you met at Vidcon?" she said.

"Yeah! He reached out for me again he asked me if I could come over tomorrow to hangout and shoot a video."

She immediately turned around and had that "OMG" look on her face.

"I am really excited to see him again", I said with a smile on my face.

"That's amazing!! You haven't seen him in ages! I really hope you have fun. But doesn't he live with his brother and friend though?" she asked.

"Yes, Josh Pieters and ermm.. Jack Maynard?? I am not really sure I never met them before. I'm sure they will be sweet as well."

"Yeah, I think you'll like Jack, he's your type. Blonde, blue eyes", she added trying to wow me.

I gave out a little laugh and said: " I really don't know.. you know I have a lot of things I'm doing right now don't think I have time for that.."

"Whatever you say."

"I'm going over to Starbucks to get some coffee, do you want some?" I asked.

"Yeah sure."

As I was walking over to Starbucks I was thinking about what tomorrow would be like, seeing Conor again and meeting Jack and Josh. I was really happy that Conor had reached out again I just don't know what exciting things will be awaiting me tomorrow.


HEYYY! I hope you have enjoyed that (so far) I would love to hear about what you think would happen next, this is my first ever fan fic so I'm really nervous but excited please leave a comment below and tell me what you think about chapter 1 also vote because it means so much to me and would help me ALOT!!


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