Chapter 15

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I'm writing this because I'm bored and my tv and computer are being turds so, I'm updating on my phone.

Enjoy!!! :)


Belle's POV

The rest of the night consisted of me watching Niall. But, not in a babysitting way, in a observant way. He seemed so, majestic, so full of life. Like there wasn't a care in the world. He was so agile, navigating through the rock and the brush like it was the back of his hand-erm, paw. He seemed at so much peace, like he didn't have a care in the world. But, he seemed bored, he couldn't just run around the forest all night. So, I looked around and found some miniature tree branches and we played "fetch", I had also found some discarded vines that we used as tug-of-war ropes. He was rough, yet gentle.

Niall is such a kindhearted, sweet boy. He knew when to stop playing, he knew when I had enough and didn't argue. I love the feeling I have around him, I feel safe, protected. I knew I was safe with Niall. It soon got later and later but I didn't want to leave him alone, so, I stayed with him-even though he's probably done this many times before. I had stayed with him, keeping him company, and let him be. But, soon I had started to get tired. No way I was just going to leave him here, I was gunna stay. Even if it meant sleeping on the floor of the forest. Apperantly, Niall had heard me yawn, because he stopped what he was doing and he walked over to me. He sat down right beside me, and I wondered what he wanted.

"What's up Nialler? Having fun?" I asked him, knowing he couldn't give me an audio response.

Niall just plainly nodded his head sleepily, and yawned.

"You tired too, Nialler?"

Again Niall nodded his head, but this time, he looked back to where the town was.

"Yes, I know you can't go back now, but don't worry, I'll stay with you."

Niall just responded with a blank look, but lied down next to me.

Being as tired as I was, I took this a sign. I had lied down, and nuzzled my head into Nialls fur. Oh, he was so warm! I miss the feeling. I snuggled in more to Niall and blanketed myself around his fur. I fell asleep enveloped in his warmth and care. In the morning I woke up to the same warmth, but turn my head to see Nialler, back to his human form. He looked like an angel, his hair slightly ruffled, his eyes closed oh so gently, he looked beautiful as always. He was wearing the same thing as yesterday, a pair of gym shorts and a white t-shirt. Like last night, I was enveloped in his warm embrace. I loved this feeling, the feeling of being loved by someone. Of course, that's what I had felt a long time ago, but, the past is the past. And the past is something that cannot be changed. I felt like closing me eyes and enjoying this much longer, but then, I heard a rustling in the woods.

I snapped my eyes open, and looked around, only to find a pair of angry glowing red eyes.



Three chappies in one week!!! I'm amazayn aren't I?


sooo, yea.


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