The Interrupted Divine

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3:00 AM, Palace Of The Magna 

Brethren was formed. It has to survive, for mankind, for humanity and above all, to hid the box. 

"Fratres (Brethren), Honor Me, and take a vow of silence. A vow, so strong, no humanly force can pin us down in our mission." Dominus thundered across the Great Hall of Divinus, the thundering and splashing rain, providing the apt background music to this ritual. 

The box, placed in the centre of a bejewelled plate, stood like a monumental structure ready to be showcased proudly by it's creator. Its silver carving and intricate motifs, not only was an artist's delight, but it was also a historian's treasure. But, contents were explosive for the world to fathom. With no light in the Palace's Great Hall of Divinus, the box seemed to give a mocking smile to the onlookers surrounded here. The box seemed more sinister today. 

The time had not come. Not yet, he thought. 

Men standing around him, in a semi-circle, did know how potent the box was. It could destroy the world system in matter of few seconds. These men, represented the Repraesentativum of the Orbis, all of them, chartering there way across the seas for this day, to witness this box, and to honour there lives for this vow. 

Dominus,  delicately, with the joy and pride of new-father, took the box in his arms, and raised to the dome of the Hall. The Great Hall of Divinus, was going to witness a spectacle tonight, the men standing there, beamed with a mix of privilege, reverence and a looming fear of the secret. 

The ritual had begun. 

Dominus, chanted the ancient verse, the verse that had been handed down to him in this very Hall. The verse, couldn't afford mistakes. The box, needed the verse, and the men standing with their silver robes and swords in their left hands, knew the verse by heart. It was etched in their memory, believing someday they would be witnessing the actual progression of the verse. 

Verse, went as follows, 

"O Veterum, our courageous task lies ahead. 

Let the world know, lest ignorance prevail.

Though, O Veterum, reveal it to us, at the right time

When mankind is ready, and dexter and sinister merge within one. "

The chanting grew with each passing moment. The drama the ritual held, was not a sight to be seen, but felt. Thundering outside, provided the appropriate applauses. 

Vow, was the last step in ritual. It couldn't be completed. 

Brethren stood there frozen. Aghast, an understatement.  A cold sweat chilled the Dominus's spine. 

In 5000 years, this was the first time, the ritual was interrupted. An insult, angry Dominus shouted from the wooden stage where he was conducting this sacred ritual. 

Enemies had come back. 5000 year had passed in peace. But today, they dared the Brethren. 

Box had to be kept safe. Moved. Yes! It had to be buried somewhere from prying eyes of enemies. 

Death had an unwavering gaze today. Dominus and the other men, were to die at the hands of the enemies. Enemies, were at the grand entrance of the Hall. 

Death had paid them a visit. The Box snatched. The Brethren ravaged. 

Ancient secrets were vulnerable now. 

(A quick translation for the readers. I have used some Latin terms here. Fratres means brethren, Dominus mean the Master, Divinus is Divine, Magna means Great, Veterum means ancient and Repraesentativum of the Orbis means Representatives of the world) 

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