Chapter One: Going home

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On my way out of my gate in the airport I checked my phone seeing the my dad had called me 5 times during my flight, knowing good and well that I can't answer the phone if my phone is turned off. It is ridiculous that even after I texted him that plane was about to take off he still tryed to call me during my flight. Its really annoying how overprotective he is sometimes.

As I was walking through the airport my phone began to ring and dad popped up onto the screen. I sighed and quickly answered the phone. "Hello, dad," I said into the phone holding it up to my hear.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your flight," my dad's voice boomed through my phone.

"My flight was fine, dad," I replied.

"Well I called to tell you that I'm not going to be able to pick you up from the airport because practise is running late. Our old neighbor Ms. Drake is going to pick you up from the airport. She will bring you home, so that you can drop your things off at home and then she will drop you off at the school and then you and I can go out, have some dinner, and maybe even go get some ice cream."

"Ok dad," I sighed.

"I love you sweetie, bye." With that he hung up the phone.

As I was walking threw the airport I saw a subway and then realized how hungry I was. I walked past the subway slowly debating wether or not I was going to a sandwhich. In end the former won so I turned into the shop. When I walked in i was greeted by a very cute boy that was working at the counter and register. I ordered a turkey and black forest ham sandwhich with lettuce, manyonase, and honey mustard. I quickly paid for the my food and took it to go.

I walked towards the entrance/exit of the airport airport while eating my sandwich. When finally came to the front of the airport I looked around for my old neighbor. "ALAINA!!" I heard my name shouted. I turned around to see my old neighbor Ms. Drake wearing a dress as she always did.

"Hi, Ms. Drake how are you?" I attempted to make small talk.

"Oh, I'm fine. How are you?" she replied.

"I'm good, just really tired after the long flight."

"That's good," she said with a friendly smile.

Ms. Drake has been nice to me. When I was we used to live here when I was younger she used to always bake cookies for me. She was also the best babysitter anyone has ever had. She would always have fun games for us to play or movies movies for us watch, and not to mention the fact that this lady makes some of the best chilled cheese sandwhiches that you have had in your entire life.

We then began walking out of the airport to her car(btw I think that she has an obsession with black hondas because I remember when I was younger she get new one every year, and it looks as if she hasn't stopped over the course of 8 years).

We made small talk as we rode over my old childhood home(which technically is house again because I am moving back in to it, but whatever).

When we pulled up to the house and got out of the car Ms. Drake helped me get one of my bags while I pulled my keys out. I looked around and saw an attractive ass boy watching me before he disappeared inti the house next door. Well hello to you too. I made my way up to the front door to my house. When I opened  door I took in what used to be my home. The house was pretty much like any house moderatley sized with white walls and a tile floor.

Ms. Drake and I brought in the rest of my bags into the house and set them into my room. My room looked anyone else's room it had queen sized bed, a desk, except it didn't have any posters because when my dad was unpacking my room he didnt hang up any of the posters because he didn't know where I would want them to be on my walls, so they were still in their boxes.

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