Chapter 3: Dinner From Hell

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I opened the direct message.

Stalker- what's good ma

Me- im sorry but my parents always taught me to no talk to strangers

Stalker- well my name is chris now we aren't strangers, not that us being strangers would stop me from allowing you to show me the talents of your mouth

Me- wow that's really sad because you will never know what they are

Chris- we'll see abt that😘😘😉😉

I left him on read and began scrolling through instagram until my dad called me from down stairs.

We made our way next door and knocked on the door. A middle aged brown skinned women with long dark curly hair and brown eyes opened the door.

"Hello," she exclaimed as she motioned for us to come in.

"Hi, Ms..." I trailed off.

"Angie, by the way my son, Chris, is upstairs would you mind getting him for me?" She asked me.

"No, not at all, Ms. Katherine." I started making my way up the stairs and when I got to the top I could hear Bad and Boujee coming from a closed door and I assumed it was Chris' room and walked in without knocking.

When I opened the door I saw Chris standing in his room with no shirt on and a pair of black basketball shorts that were hanging very low. I couldn't help but admire his abs and the happy trail going down his stomach.

"See something you like?" he asked while smirking.

"No, but I think you do."

"Of course I do, but porn stars aren't my type, but I'll let you show me the talents of that big mout of yours."

"Wow, you're really disgusting you know that right."

"You like it though."

"What in the world makes you think I enjoy that?"

He turned to his dresser, grabbed a t-shirt, pulled it over his head, and began making strides toward me. He walked behind me and whispered into my ear, "Because you're still standing here." I have to admit though his breath on my ear made a chills run up my spine. "C'mon we have to go downstairs, even though I know who would much rather stay up here with me, since didn't even tell me that I had to come down for dinner." Without another word get turned and walked out the door.

I followed close behind him with dumbstruck look on my face, but I quickly fixed it knowing if my dad saw me like that he would begin to pry.

When I got all the way down the stairs I made a beeline for the chair next to across from my dad, but Chris evidently wasnt done with me yet. He decided to sit on the right side of his mom whom was sitting at the head of the table he sat on the left side her which was in the chair next to me.

"Well, shall eat?" Ms. Katherine questioned.

"Yeah, Mom," Chris replied, flashing a smile that would make any girl fall down do her knees, but I wasn't going to fall for it. This boy is nothing, but trouble. He just gave off a vibe that he was going to end up ruining your life.

"So, Alaina how old are you?" Ms. Katherine asked.

"Oh, I'm 16." All of a sudden I began to feel someone start rubbing my leg and I almost choked on the chicken that was in my mouth.

"Honey, are you alright," my dad exclaimed.

"Excuse me, may I please use your bathroom, Ma'am?" I asked in an attempt to get away from Chris.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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