Chapter 2:

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About thrity minutes later the team starts making their way off of the field to the locker room. I wait about fifteen minutes later to walk up to the door that let on to the field. When I get to the door I knock and yell, "DAD!!"

He yelled back,"Come in."

As soon as I open the door the strong smell of Axe hits my senses again.  While I am walking through the locker room the get to my dad's office all eyes are on me, which is one the feelings that I hate the absolute. All of the boys in the locker room are decent, with all their clothes on their bodies sitting around waiting to be dismissed by my dad I'm guessing.

After the agonising walk to his office(which btw was only about five feet away from the door) walked threw the open door into his office.

As I walked into his office I asked,"Are you ready to go yet?"

He responded,"I will be ready in about 10 minutes. You can wait in the hallway outside the lockeroom."

I nodded and turned to walk the dreadful path to the door on the other side of the locker room.

When finally got to the door I quickly slipped through it and walked into the open hallway. Luckily not far from the door was a bench that had plug right behind it.

Yasss! Now I can charge my phone which is now on 30% percent since I used most of the battery on listening to music waiting for the practice to be over.

After I got my charger in the wall and hooked up to my phone. I text came in from a boy named Donte I used to talk hang with and talk to when I was in Atlanta.

Donte😍😍-Hey babygirl


Donte😍😍-you trying to chill latee

Me-nah Im in nola with my dad for the school year

Donte😍😍- oh sorry ma but ion do long distance✌

I just sat there staring at the screen in awe. Wow, I guess I should have listened to my cousin when he said that the niggas in the ATL are always steady moving on to the next.

I didn't really care that he ditched me I just couldn't believe that he was so blunt about it. I figured he would just stop texting me after he found that I wasnt in Atalnta anymore.

Well I guess there is no reason to keep his contact in my phone so I deleted it.

A few more minutes pass by and all the football players start poor out of the lockeroom. As their walking past me I try to look like I'm busy on my phone, but I could feel eyes continuously staring at me. I look up and make contact with a pair some of the most beautiful hazel eyes that I have ever seen. I scan his face an let me tell this boy is FINE. He catches me checking him out and winks at me then turns and proceeds to walk down the hallway.

As he walks away I continue to check him out and I notice how muscular and tall he is. He has to be at least 6"1".

"Hi honey," my dad startled me out of my daze.

"Oh hey dad," I replied quickly recovering.

"You ready to get home."

"Yeah, I'm ready to lay down."

We began to make our way out of the school.  As walked out I saw some the football players hanging around the entrance of the school including the fine ass dude I saw earlier.

As we walked pass them the dude from earlier and I locked eyes. And while I was walking away I could feel his eyes burning a hole into me and as we pulled out of the parking lot I could see him staring, until he snapped out of it when his friend tapped him.

My dad and I made small talk as we rode home. When we got home I took off my shoes in exchange for my slides and ran up the stairs to put my phone on the charger.

I then decided to take a shower. When I was done and was all lotioned up I walked back into my room with a towel wrapped around my body.

I walked back into my room and was standing at my drawer to grab some clothes when someone spoke to me.

"Damn, I didn't know that when you moved I next door that I would have my own personal porn star." I jump and turned to see a the same boy from earlier standing in the window directly across from mine at the house next door.

I quickly recovered, "And when I moved in I didn't expect to gain a stalker, but by all means I'm flattered."

"Well doesn't someone have a mouth on her, but I'm actually glad for that. I hope that you come over here soon and show me all of the things that it can do." He then winked at me, pulled his window down, and closed his curtains closed.

Wow, that boy is something else. I quickly grabbed clothes out of my drawer and changed in the bathroom just to be safe.

When I was finished gettung dressed I walked down the stairs and greeted my father. "Hey dad."

"Hey babygirl," he replied as he looked up from the newspaper that he was reading.

"What are we going to have for dinner?"

"Actually, we going next door for dinner."

I felt my heart drop into my feet, "Are we going to our neighbors on the left or on the right?" I questioned hoping we were going to be having dinner with Ms. Drake who lived at the house on the right side of us.

"The left."

Wow, just my luck. I'm going to be having dinner with my perverted neighbor.

"Oh," I began wondering how the fuck nigga next door was going to react to his "porn star" coming over for dinner. "When are we supposed to be going over there?"

"In about thirty minutes."

"Okay," I replied as I made my way up back up the stairs.

When I got back to my room, I headed straight for my closet. I began searching for the perfect outfit. I eventually decided on a black crop top, with a white varisty jacket with black sleeves, and my pair of black timberlands. For my makeup I put on concealer, eyeliner, and a dark purple lip stick.

I looked at time and saw that I still had about 20 minites to spare. To kill time I decided to scroll through instagram. As I scrolled I saw Donte on my timeline and unfollowed him. All of sudden a wave a sadness washed over me because realization set in that my I wouldn't be able to see any of the friends in Atlanta until summer. After 5 more minutes of scrolling I saw that at the top of my screen that someone had just DMed me and that someone just so happened to be my stalker.

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