Chapter 6: Cronium

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Mayor: *strings of nexus emitted from mayor's hand began forming a staff with a big sapphire on top* *smashing it to the ground*

*A great blue shockwave* *ZOOOOOM*

*The blue shockwave passed by every person in the Aria Arena*

*Everybody that was touched by the shockwave was teleported to their respective homes in Aria City*

Polar: Activate the code sensors. No stranger goes in here.


Man1: Wew! That was fast. *the man was at home*

Man2: As expected from our Mayor!*the man was at home*


*The shockwave also expanded outside the Aria Arena*

*The frontal legion outside at the vicinity of the arena were touched by the shockwave*

*The frontal legion started disintegrating*

Man1: Boss boss! What are we going to do?!

*Three people who looked like the squadron leaders appeared*

*An old man who had his head covered by a black hood and wore a black robe, holding a staff with a skull on top, moved in front of the legion*

Man1: Morrow-sama!! *legion battlecry*

*Polar inside the Arena with his eyes closed sensed the power of Morrow* *His eyes opened quickly*

Polar: RAISE THE NEXUS DEFENSE OF THE OUTSIDE TO MAXIMUM POWER! *addressed to the girl with ponytail*

Operator Shinly: Yes Sir! *Pulls a level upward*

*The Arena's Nexus Barrier were powerful enough to become visible*

Polar: That man.... *his face starts to become worried*

Morrow: *he held his staff with both hands* Hell Wave

*a foul black and green wave along with what looks like souls emitted from Morrow*

*The wave clashed with the shockwave that Polar emitted* *It swallowed that wave as if it was nothing* *The wave slowly approached the Arena* *It hit the Arena*

Polar: Brace yourselves.

*Polar's cyan aura began appearing*

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!* *A great quake was felt inside the Arena*

*Another black wave followed*

Polar: What?

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!* *another quake was felt* *A loud siren was heard inside the Arena*

Operator Shinly: Sir. Our barrier is on 67%.

Morrow on the outside: Hmph. *smirk* *moves back*

Polar's thoughts: No ordinary man can do that. His Nexus is tremendous.

Orionna at the back: Mayor Polar w---

Polar: No Madam! This land is my responsibility! I could do this all day Madam. It would be rude to tire guests now would it?

Orionna: *chuckles* This would be easy for me Sir. But I respect your decision Mayor.

Polar: Thank you.

Polar: How much Nexus are we taking from Aria? *Addressed to a guy with glasses*

Operator Kasumi: 23% Sir.

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