Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Elena's P.O.V

          My head was racing. Why was Edward here? Where was he taking me? What the hell is going on?!

          I felt sick as he went speeding down the highway. I felt as if I was to be sick again. Something was desperately wrong. I turned to face Edward as I shifted to see him. He was still in his suit and tie from the Ball. I was still in my black dress. It was slightly ripped and torn but it was inevitable from being kidnapped right?

          Suddenly there was a sharp sting in my left leg. I jerked and a searing pain shot up my leg and through my body. I let out a bloody scream.

          "I'm sorry. It's for your own good." Vervain. He fucking injected me with vervain.

          My eyelids were heavy and I couldn't move. I wasn't tired but I didn't want to fight anymore. I let my head go down and sighed. I could hear him talking. But I tuned him out. It was like they annoying mosquito that you couldn't get rid of but it still flew by your ear at the worst of moments.


Edward's P.O.V

          I didn't feel bad. She needed to get away from them. They were bad people. She needed to be safe and learn an animal diet. She can feed off of the animals. Not that she would agree to it at first, but I had to try.

          "I think you'll like where I'm going to take you. I needed Damon to be gone so he wouldn't try and find you. But I think they will start looking. But we'll be long gone by then." I could tell she was losing the fight to the vervain.

          "But I still love you Bella." She was gone and out by then.


Damon's P.O.V

          "Why the hell did you let her out of you sight Damon?!" Bonnie yelled. They stood at the site where the hundred witches were burned. Bonnie tried desperately to track Elena from a hairbrush, Jeremy's blood, clothes, even Damon's blood but something was blocking her signal.

          "I'm sorry my neck was snapped!" Damon shot back. The door opened and Stefan came in. He looked shocked and a little freaked out.

          "What the hell happened?" He asked. He looked at Damon and then at Bonnie to Jeremy.

          "Elena was kidnapped. But she's been puking up blood. Some of the vervain is missing from the cellar and Edwards missing." Jeremy summed up. He looked sad and hollow. His sister was going through too much.

          "Bonnie, can you try again?" She nodded and grabbed Damon's hand.

          "I'm gonna try something else. She's a vampire so we won't be able to track her down like a normal human. So..." Bonnie trailed off as she started to mumble a chant. Damon's hand began to sting as she chanting became louder. Blood moved on the old map she was chanting over.

          Bonnie's head shot up and she looked at Damon.

          "I couldn't get a clear picture. But I could tell she was in a car. She has vervain in her system and I saw Edward there. But something wasn't right. It was like he was being compelled to get her. His eyes and mind were far away.

          My bigger concern was Elena. She looks tired. She needed to be found and soon. He's giving her too much vervain. Anymore and he'll kill her." Bonne finished.

          Damon's blood boiled at the thought of Elena dying. She was his humanity. If she died, Damon would go back to his old habits.

          Something occurred to Stefan as he thought of Elena.

          "Bonnie do you think you could tell us why she was puking up blood?" Stefan asked. Bonnie shrugged.

          "I don't know." Damon let out a frustrated growl. He didn't have time for this. He wouldn't make time for this. He needed Elena back. He wanted to make sure she was okay. He needed her now!

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