Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Elena's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and gasped. I looked around to see I was in a white room with a woman who looked like a nurse and Damon besides me. I looked at them and the nurse women walked out mumbling something about needing to use the bathroom.

I looked at Damon who had a smile on his face. "I thought I lost you for a minute there." He said. I looked at him strangely.

"What happened?" I asked. Then Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler, and Katherine walked in.

Caroline and Bonnie ran at me and wrapped their arms around me. I smiled confusedly.

"What happened? I had the weirdest dream." I said as I remembered the dream with the blue eyes guy named Klaus and Damon meeting Elijah. It was like I was seeing the future.

"We were looking at the Cullen's and then you fell to the ground clutching your head. I took you here, but the nurse lady said to just stay here, and bring in family, so in her mind, all of us are related." I smirked. So the dream wasn't true. It was just that. A dream.

But it didn't explain me seeing a guy named Klaus. And them meeting a guy named Elijah. Everything seemed weird. I tossed my legs over the side and hopped off the bed.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" Stefan asked. I looked at the ground and leaned against the 'bed'.

"Someone took me out into the forest and said his name was Klaus. Then his sister was being a bitch. He told me she can have quite a temper. Um, then they knocked me out with vervain. Then it seemed like I was following you guys around in ghost form so I could see and talk, but you couldn't see or hear me. You guys met a guy named Elijah and then he called Katherine Katerina. He said something along the lines of 'we have much to discuss'. He seemed like the kind of guy who would always get his way. The guy named Klaus seemed like the guy who was never meant to be messed with. He also called me Katherine and kept calling me Katherine and I'm not going to lie, I wanted to kill him, but he seemed older, more stronger than me." I told them. They looked at one another ad then at Katherine who seemed to be backing out the door. In one second I had her pinned to the wall by her throat. She smirked at me and then tried to claw away my hand. A look of confusion crossed her face.

"Who are Klaus and Elijah?" I growled out. She seemed dazed and then dropped her hands and I loosened my grip. She smirked.

"Very old vampires that can kill you within seconds. Faster, senses even more heightened than anyone's here. Be careful of him. He wants you dead." And then I was flying through the air and she was gone. Damon caught me with ease and let me down. I nodded thanks to him and Stefan and Damon looked at me as if I had seven heads filled with cream.

"How did you do that?" Stefan asked. I scrunched up my brow and shrugged.

"You fought her. She tried to get out of your hold and she couldn't until you loosened your hold." Damon explained. I shrugged.

Then the fifth period bell rang and I stood up. "Shall we all grace the class with our loveliness presence?" I asked sarcastically. But if I have a Cullen in my class, I'm killing someone.

"Yep." Stefan announced and we made our way to the door and we walked to class. Katherine had left so Damon was to my right and Stefan on my left. I smiled as we walked into the gym class. Boring. I hated gym when I was human. Maybe now being a graceful vampire, I could be amazing and talented. We walked in and I walked off to the teacher and she handed us our uniforms.

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