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I thought about going through the same routine with Raphael that I did with the other two but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He was too special for me to do something so boring with. Raphael was more than a childhood friend to me and I wanted him to know that but how was I going to tell him without actually telling him? Racking my brain to think of something I paid no attention to the fact that I had gone far out from the city and we were slowly drifting down closer to the ocean.

“Is this what you call being criminal?” I snapped back to reality at the sound of his voice in my ear. Smiling back at hime I snapped my fingers and the board shifted from metal dependent to air dependent and we gradually rose back into the air. There was no other choice; I had to show him what the real fun was for me.

Hold on tight and don’t let go!” I called out to him as the board was pulled higher and higher into the air while our speed increased.

Raphael said nothing and nodded, his grip around me grew tighter which made me smile. I never went higher than an air plane but with Raphael I went much higher so that the trip down would forever be stuck in his head. Taking a deep breath the board was guided to a slow stop, we both stared down at the deep blue sea and the city below us. We stared down at the people who knew nothing of the kids that sat in the sky high above them who were getting ready for the drop of their lives.

“OK Raphael this is nothing like a roller coaster, this is going to be much worse than that. If you want to back out just say the word and I’ll take us back to the Empire State Building.” I warned just in case he wanted to back out.

Raphael said nothing and at first I thought he had become so scared that he went into shock but then he began laughing. I stood confused as to what to do so I let him laugh and waited until he was done. “So this is what scared Andrew? This is what you meant by he wasn’t criminal?” Raphael laughed again his arms still around my waist; I blushed and chuckled nervously with a slight nod.

“If I’d known this is what you meant by criminal then I would have loved to have gone first .” I dared a glance back at him. He was nearly crying from laughing so hard, his red face brought out his facial features even more. I wanted to kiss him but I restrained myself and quickly looked away before he saw me staring at him like a creeper. “Well let’s take this dive down.”

Not trusting myself to speak, I nodded then leaned forward to urge the board to move. The ride forward was slow at first but the moment I took a step closer to the edge and we dive down was when we picked up speed as we shot down to earth. Raphael’s yells were drowned out from the rushing air going pass us. I laughed then screamed as well, the board being coaxed to turn to the right then brought up into a spiraling spin. I went all out with Raphael, fireworks blasted in an array of bright colors as we darted through the air pass them.

I made several spiral flame tunnels for us to go through and just as we went through another flame tunnel I felt one of Raphael’s hands slip from my side. He was reaching into the flames laughing with amazement when the fire didn’t burn him but instead a little fire imp latched on his arm and nuzzled up to him happily.

Finally coming to the last part of our ride, we were going to dive down into the water, the fire imp quickly ran and hid inside of Raphael’s shirt hoping that, that would keep it from being extinguished. Raphael looked down at the imp to see if it would come back up or if it was gone. Raphael couldn't help but to look around him when he saw how far down into the water we were.

“Don’t worry about air Raphael, I had a mod put in Lolita so that we could breathe underwater and when we go back to the surface we’ll be completely dry.” I heard him slowly releasing the air that he had taken in. I wanted Raphael to see the sky that was under water and not just the one that was hidden above us every day.

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