1 - The Unknown

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"You and I
We're like fireworks and symphonies
Exploding in the sky

With you
I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart
They finally collide,

So stop time right here in the moonlight
Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you,
I feel broke like I'm half of a whole,
Without you,
I've got no hand to hold
Without you,
I feel torn like a sail in a storm
Without you,
I'm just a Sad Song

I'm just a Sad Song

With you,
I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past
In silhouettes up on a wall
With you,
I'm a beautiful mess,
It's like we're standing hand in hand
With all our fears up on the edge

So stop time right here in the moonlight,
Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you,
I've got no hand to hold
Without you,
I feel torn like a sail in a storm
Without you,
I just a Sad Song

You're the perfect melody
The only harmony
I wanna hear

You're my favorite part of me

With you standing next to me


Without you,
I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you,
I've got no hand to hold
Without you,
I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you,
I'm just a Sad Song

Without you,
I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you,
I've got no hand to hold
Without you,
I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you,
I'm just a Sad Song

I'm just a Sad Song"

A beautiful voice sang. Everybody smiled as the voice finished their song. Everybody wished they could meet the voice, but their voice echoed everywhere, nobody truly knew where the voice came from. The voice was as loud in the Ruins, as in the Core, even though they were so far apart. Nobody knew how the voice got their voice so loud, but so gentle. Nobody knew how the voice portrayed such emotion, without feeling it themselves. Nobody knew if the voice was male or female. Nobody knew if there were multiple voices. Nobody knew how the voice overlapped their own voice. Nobody knew if the voice was real.
The voice smiled as they heard the questions. They decided to show their identity.
"Everybody who would like to meet me, please meet in Waterfall by the echo flowers." The voice said. The voice smiled, as they waited for their new friends.
After about an hour, many people were there. Froggits, Whimsums, Toriel, Snowdrakes, Dogamy and Dogeressa, Grater Dog, Lesser Dog, Jerry, Frisk, Aaron, Chilldrake, Nabstablook, Mettaton, Mad Dummy, Undyne, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Monster Kid, Bratty, Catty, Final Froggit, Flowey, Ice Caps, Alphys, Knight Knight, Loox, Madjick, Migosps, Vegetoids, Migospels, Moldbyggs, Moldessas, Moldsmals, Muffet, Parsniks, Pyropes, Royals Guardsmen and Guardswoman, Bob, Shyren, Temmie, Tsundereplanes, Vulkins, Whimsalots, and Woshuas. The voice smiled, and pulled their self out of the small pool of water.
"W-who are you?" Asgore asked. "I am the voice who has been singing songs to you" the voice smiled. "Can we have your name?" Sans asked. "Not yet Sans" the voice smiled. "How do you know my name?" Sans asked. "I know all of your names. I know because each place you live in, all has some source of water. I have heard you name be said, and I saw it associated with you." The voice said. "HOW DOES YOUR VOICE ECHO AROUND EVERYWHERE?" Papyrus asked. "The same way I learned your names. Through water." The voice said.
"What are you?" Asgore asked. "I am a human, but yet, I'm not quite human. I'm more of an amalgamation than human, while still being able to hold a stable form. I work with science down in my home, and I have been trying to help you." The voice said. "When can we learn your name?" Undyne asked. "When I have answered all the questions, and I must leave for work." The voice responded. "Are there m-multiple of you, or a-are you a spe-species?" Alphys asked. "Oh, I'm the only one down there. I'm not a species, and I live alone." The voice smiled.
"How do you overlap your voice with yourself? How do you have duets with yourself?" Frisk asked. "Well, I'm an amalgamate. I was created with multiple bodies of the fallen, so I ended up having multiple voices, but we work as one. Duets are much harder, because I must speak at once for a long time, but it works the same way." The voice said. "How many different voices do you have?" A Froggit asked. "Well, thousands" the voice, now known as voices, said. "There aren't enough monsters for that!" Asgore exclaimed. "Yes, but they are from different timelines, where different monsters have fallen. I can mimic you all." The voices said. "But that still doesn't explain it. There still wouldn't be enough monsters." Asgore said. "Who said they are all monsters?" The voices asked.
"You mean...?" Mettaton asked. The voice nodded. "Some are human. It felt weird at first, thousands of souls, beating as one. But now, it would feel weird without it." The voices said. "I'm sorry if you still have unanswered questions, but I have to go." The voices said. "Wait!" Sans called out. "Hmm?" The voices hummed. "You never said your name. "Oh, yes. My name...

...is (y/n)"

Song: Sad Song

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